Signalling at Hampton Court Junction

Westinghouse Lever frame header picture
HCJ Home | Plans | Stages | Stage 1 | Stage 2 | Stage 3 | Stage 4 | Stage 5 | Stage 6 | Stage 7

The proposal states that Hampton Court Junction signalling system control should be implemented in stages.
Six stages of development have been identified, and the signalling designs relate to those six stages.
The stages are:-

Stage 1 - Mechanically install the Westinghouse lever frame
Mechanically re-build the lever frame, test lever frame mechanical function,
install associated pneumatic air supply for the locally worked points, and test.
test and commission the electrical lever interlocking

Stage 2 - Alps Line Junction
Implement control of the Alps Line Junction
Comprising 1 set of points, 2 coloured light signals, and 1 associated shunt signals

Stage 3 - Tunnel Junction
Implement control of the Alps Line Junction
Comprising 1 set of points, 2 coloured light signals, and 1 associated shunt signals

Stage 4 - HCJ Roundhouse Junction
Implement control of the main roundhouse junction
Up to {but excluding} tunnel junction signals,
Up to {but excluding} Alps line junction signals.
The area includes the roundhouse entry and exit point work, carriage shed entry / exit point work.
Comprising 12 sets of points, 3 coloured light starter signals, and 7 shunt signals

Stage 5 - HCJ Maintenance Shed junction
Implement control of the Maintenance Shed junction
Up to the roundhouse junction signal gantry. {in stage 3}
This includes North Pole Station area and siding.
Comprising 2 sets of points, 2 coloured light home signals, and 4 associated shunt signals

Stage 6 - Angel Road
Implement remote control of the Angel Road signal box
Comprising 4 set of points, 4 coloured light signals, and 4 mechanical signals and associated shunt signals

Stage 7 - Willowbank
Implement remote control of Willowbank station signal box Comprising 9 set of points, 12 sets of mechanical signals and associated shunt signals