Ground Level Signalling

Willowbank signal box


Willowbank Station is the principle station on our ground level railway, it is here that around 1100 plus passenger journeys depart and arrive on their train rides during a typical open day. The railway is over 1800ft long comprising of two circuits with a number passing loops and sidings

Trains are controlled per full size practice from a 17 lever knee frame in the middle of the station. The whole area is signaled with semaphore signals.

Please follow this link for a more comprehensive overview of Willowbank signal box.

Hampton Court Junction signal box

Hampton Court Junction

Hampton Court Junction is the most complex part of the railway, it is where the carriage shed and locomotive sheds are located. The railway grows from 2 tracks to 4 parallel tracks for access to the Tunnel and Alps sections of the railway line. The signalling in this area uses 4 aspect coloured light signals.

Please follow this link for a more comprehensive overview of Hampton Court Junction signal box.

Angel Road signal box

Angel Road

Angel Road is a junction without a station. The signal box has a 12 lever mechanically interlocked lever frame, and its name comes from the nearby road. We have increase our track capacity here in the last few years as a result of the new Alps line which is beyond fence and runs behind the signal box before joining the other tracks past the signal box.

Signalling in this area is a mixture of semaphore and coloured light all of which is electrically operated and track circuit protected.

Please follow this link for a more comprehensive overview of Angel Road signal box.