Signalling at Willowbank

Willowbank signal box exterir view

The signal box has 17 levers the maximum we could fit in the signal box. Originally the station layout on the railway was a simple passing loop, but over the years since 1968 the railway tracks have altered greatly both in Willowbank station and around the site to meet the current requirements of today.

Willowbank lever 1 description plate Willowbank lever 2 description plate Willowbank lever 3 description plate Willowbank lever 4 description plate Willowbank lever 5 description plate Willowbank lever 6 description plate Willowbank lever 7 description plate Willowbank lever 8 description plate Willowbank lever 9 description plate Willowbank lever 10 description plate Willowbank lever 11 description plate Willowbank lever 12 description plate Willowbank lever 13 description plate Willowbank lever 14 description plate Willowbank lever 15 description plate Willowbank lever 16 description plate Willowbank lever 17 description plate

Lever Plates
Above are reproductions of the signal lever description plates. The area of the railway controlled by the signal box is about half of the layout, this is achieve using mechanical signals which are electrically operated at a scale of 3 inches to a foot.
The station can be accessed by both the main and local lines, trains can also avoid the station if necessary. There is one arrival platform and two departure platforms and a trailing siding within the station

The departure end of the station is now a complex junction with two sidings as well as a branch line. Trains leave Willowbank station area, and cross the public access level crossing to proceed towards Hampton Court Junction.

Willowbank Signal box interior.
Red levers work the signals, and the black / blue levers work the points. Indicators behind the levers indicate the position of the points and signals.

The block shelf above the lever contain the Block Bells & Block instruments, the Angel Road block instruments are located at the far left hand end nearest the door. The track diagram dominates the centre area above the block shelf, the diagram contain lights to show the position of the trains, The whole area is track circuited to detect the trains and work the signalling system.

Red box in the centre of the block shelf below the diagram houses the extra signal control switches. These allow control of additional signals and level crossing lights and gate indications as we can't fit any more levers in the signal box.

Willowbank signal box track diagram.

Signal box diagram Double click on diagram get a detailed, printable PDF file in a new window - (572Kb file)