Signalling at Angel Road

Angel Road signal box exterior May 2005

The signal box has 12 levers the maximum we could fit in the signal box. The signal box was commissioned on the 1st June 1986 by society's then President Tom Snoxell when he signalled the first train onto the new local line at Angel Road. Since opening the signal box has been in continuous use every open day, routing the trains as necessitaed by the service.

Angel Road lever 1 description plate Angel Road lever 2 description plate Angel Road lever 3 description plate Angel Road lever 4 description plate Angel Road lever 5 description plate Angel Road lever 6 description plate Angel Road lever 7 description plate Angel Road lever 8 description plate Angel Road lever 9 description plate Angel Road lever 10 description plate Angel Road lever 11 description plate Angel Road lever 12 description plate

Lever Plates
Above are reproductions of the signal lever description plates. The area controlled is about one third of the layout, this is achieve using mechanical signals which are electrically operated at a scale of 3 inches to a foot.

In 2002 signal box was reworked and all the lever functions were re-allocated to allow a new track over the top of the tunnel to become operational.

Angel Road signal box interior.
Red levers work the signals, and the black / blue levers work the points. The indicators above the levers indicate the position of the points or signals.

The block shelf contain the Block Bells & Block instruments to Willow bank Signal box. 

At the right hand end is the main line Tyer's block instrument. The left hand block instrument is the local line full / permissive GWR block instrument to Willowbank. 

The diagram above shows the track layout and contain LED's to show the position of the trains, which are controlled by track circuits.

Angle Road signal box diagram

Signal box diagram Double click on diagram get a detailed, printable PDF file in a new window.