Ground Level Railway

willowbank Willowbank Stationsignal
The principle station is Willowbank, on our ground level railway, it is here that around 1400 passenger journeys depart and arrive during a typical open day. The ground level track is over a 1800ft long with two circuits with a number of passing loops and sidings.

hcj Hampton Court Junctionsignal
is where the locomotive shed and carriage shed are located, it is also the most complex track area of our railway

The signal box lever frame is now installed and the wiring has commenced, to date we have consumed over 3km of cable wiring the frame and its relay control system. The area is fully signaled with 4 aspect coloured light signals.
Please follow this link Hampton Court Junction for more detailed information.

2003 Roundhouse Locomotive Roundhouse
The Locomotive shed is of the Roundhouse style built round the turntable, this is located at Hampton Court Junction. The Roundhouse houses a minimum of 16 locomotives, also located at this junction are the carriage sheds which hold all the railways rolling stock including its maintenance vehicles. This is where our resident locomotives are stored and our visiting locomotives are serviced. We built the Roundhouse ourselves and it took 7 years months and 7 days & was officially opened in December 1986.

angel road signalbox Angel Road signal
is a junction without a station. The signal box has a 12 lever mechanically interlocked lever frame, its name comes from the nearby road. We increased our track capacity here in the last few years as a result of the new Alps line which is beyond fence and runs behind the signal box before joining the other tracks past the signal box.

Please follow this link Angel Road for more detailed information.