Willowbank Signals

Willowbank Outer Home SignalsOuter Home Signal gantry

This is the first set of signals in the Willowbank signalling area. The left hand signals are for the Up Local line and the right hand signals are for the Up Main line. The middle signal is for trains routed from the Up Main line to Up Local line.

Willowbank Home Signal gantryHome Signal gantry
Left to right
Up Local Home - No.3a
Up Local to Up Loop Home - No.3b
Up Local to Up Main home - No.3d
Up Main to Up Loop Home - No.1b
Up Main Home and Distant- No.1a
Willowbank Up Local Arrivals Starter signal Up Local Arrivals Starter Signal

Pictured just outside Willowbank station signal box this signal protects the Up Loop points outside the signal box. When the Up Loop points are reversed and the signal is cleared a small 'L' lights on the post under the counter weight.

Willowbank Station starter signal ganrtyStation departure gantry
Left to Right.

Up Local to Up Siding Shunt No.8a.
Up Local Platform Starter and Distant - No.8b.
Up Loop to Malden Works No.9a
Up Loop to Up Siding No.9b
Up Loop Starter & Distant No.9c.
Up Loop Platform to Up Main Starter No.9e.
Up Loop to Claygate Lane Starter No.9f Up Main Starter & Distant No.14a.
Up Main to Claygate Lane Starter No.14b

Willowbank Up Local and Up Main Advance starter signals Local line Advance Starter signals In the background is located the level crossing gates which are shut against the road.

Willowbank Up Local and Up Main Advance starter signals Main Line Advance Starter signals
Willowbank Level Crossing GatesLevel Crossing Gates

This view shows the general view that greets our visitors when they arrive at the railway. The main station Willowbank is located behind the white fence in the middle of the picture in the far distance.

The full sized signal on the left comes from Tolworth station in Surrey and was the down home signal at that location. This was acquired on the 30th January 1972 for the princely sum of £1, when it was decommissioned by British Railways.

It took 2 years to reassemble and erect the signal, including a major paint strip & repaint.