The Roundhouse Journal December 2003

Report on the AGM..
Attached are the various speeches and election results from the AGM, as well as pictures of the awards.

Election of Officers and Committee Members
The Chairman reminded members that Committee members are elected to serve for two years, but that the officers are re-elected each and every year.

With the exception of the Hon Secretary, the outgoing officers, having declared their willingness to serve, and there being no other contrary nominations, the following were re-elected:

Hon. President: David Wilkins;
Hon. Vice President: Peter Larkin; Hon Treasurer: Mike Evans;
Hon. Social Secretary: John Mottram;
Hon. Librarian: Peter Pullen;
Hon. Raised Track Co-ordinator: Steve Gary.
Bob Walker had been nominated as the new Hon. Secretary and had declared his willingness to serve. There being no further nominations for this post he was duly elected.
Hon Secretary: Bob Walker
The Secretary had received three nominations for Committee members, Martin Baker, John Hampshire and Bill Knox, and they were elected. Mr Adlington proposed the above officers and committee members, Len Broadley seconded the proposal, and they were duly elected, there being one abstention at the vote.

The committee members remaining in office without re-election this year are Mark Adlington, Paul Henley and Derek Smith.

Chairman's Report - Derek Smith.
Welcome to the Annual General Meeting of Malden and District Society of Model Engineers.

>When I was preparing this report I was trying to find words which would sum up the year's activities, I do know that there have been a number of activities which have shown stunning progress and some which have been years in development are now approaching completion.

The workshop extension has seen extensive progress; the doors and window shutters have been fitted and painted. The floor has been screeded. The ventilation system ducting and pipe work has been installed and the electrical installation is now in progress.

The ticket office and shop extension has been completed during the year and will become fully operational next season. The Club house has been fitted with a new heavy duty floor.

The raised level track has received some extensive maintenance with the replacement of a number of weakened structural components by professionally cast concrete pedestals and beams. The levels being made up with a thin screed of sharp sand and cement.

A plan has also taken shape, and authority given, to install a curved traverser point, which will allow the passenger cars to be removed from the main circuit into the 5-inch shed without dismantling the bogies from the frames. Work has also been completed to restore electricity to the station by installation of ductwork from the 5 inch shed into which a new cable has been drawn.

The ground level signalling system in the station area is now complete following the major remodelling of the track layout in previous years.

Work is steadily progressing on the new Alps line where the major infrastructure works of the tunnel and the embankment have been completed except for the portal face cladding and the safety fence. The line has been laid and levelled and the first test trains have successfully negotiated the route.

The hard work of digging and fitting the underground ductwork is also complete awaiting the installation of the signal cables.

As the project nears completion and before the first passenger trains are allowed to negotiate the route we will need to revise our operating procedures. We will also need to develop and refine our driver and fireman ship skills to provide a reliable service.

We will also need to overhaul and improve the braking efficiency of our passenger rolling stock. A start has already been made with the acquisition of new steel wheel sets for the passenger cars.

The benefits of all this hard work will hopefully be the improved diversity and interest for club members and members of the public who enjoy our facilities.

Improved train spacing on the whole the track system with less delays will now result as we have double a ground level track around the site. This fact will also allow engineering and track maintenance to be undertaken without closure of the whole circuit. And it must be said of course that trains without sufficient adhesion or power will always be allowed to make their circuits without going over the top. All in all a wonderful new asset for the society.

A new mains electricity duct has also been installed which will enable a new mains supply to be delivered to Angel Road signal box. Angel Road signal box is now being reworked to control the Alps line and will be capable of being switched in or out as required whilst allowing access to the two complete circuits. Angel Road will also serve the very useful purpose of being used as a training box for new signal men and women.

The local line at the far end of the site has been moved further away from the brick retaining wall to improve safety clearances.

On a different note most of you will know that the society has a tenant in the name of Newpark Properties who lease the Builders Yard. I am pleased to report that at long last the mid-term rent review has been renegotiated to our advantage. This rent review provides a very valuable increased income to the society and allows us to develop in ways, which would not normally be available.

On a sad note, William Goffe, our present Committee and Club Secretary has indicated his intention to stand down from his position at this Annual General Meeting. William has been an excellent secretary and I think we should show our appreciation for his valued contribution to the society in the normal way.

To sum up, the Society has good management and leadership. The Society is financially sound. The membership enjoys the facilities of the society and retains the ability to give direction to Society's future. It's not our club – it's your club. The Society has the ability to maintain the members' interest and cater for many diverse interests. All in all the Society has had an interesting year from which we have all benefited.

Hon Secretary's Report – William Goffe
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen

As you know, I have had the privilege of serving on committee for seven years, the last five of them as Hon. Secretary. This year I have decided not to seek re-election and some of you may be wondering why.

However, I don't propose to go into that now. I would only reassure you that there isn't any one overriding reason. I hope to continue playing an active practical role in the Society, and maybe spend a little more time on my own projects.

In performing the Secretary's function I have had a lot of assistance from other members of the committee. I would like to thank Mike Evans for convening the monthly Committee Meetings and preparing the Agenda papers, Mark Adlington for printing and mailing the AGM paperwork, and Peter Pullen for preparing his synopses of committee meetings and reporting to you in timely fashion. I would also like to thank my predecessor as Secretary, John Mottram, for handing things over to me in good order, and for his useful advice over the years.

I will close now and leave it to John to get fired up about our wonderful visit to the Severn Valley Railway.

It has been an honour to be Secretary. Thank you all very much.

Hon Social Secretary's Report – John Mottram
Good Evening ladies and gentlemen.

I must first start by saying that I was upset that so few of you took up the trip to the Severn Valley Railway. We ended up with Union of South Africa – an A4. I never realised how little the Driver sees when he is on the move, or how difficult the regulator is to move against the boiler pressure. A great day was had by all as we were treated like V.I.Ps!! All this with food! And it only cost the coal!!

As usual a good time was had on Families Day and night run, although the help to run this was thin on the ground.
We had a visit with Peter Stedman and the Wimbourne club.

Bonfire night went with a bang.

Another event which was poorly supported was to Kempton Park Pumping House to see the filming of "Best Inventions". The highlight of this visit was the "extra" – a tour around the Triple Expansion engine by members of the Kempton Great Engines Trust – although I stayed at ground level as I could not face the heights or the metal ladder!

Later this year I am running a Mystery Tour at a cost of £3. At present I have sold 23 out of 30 places. This takes place on Sunday 17th August.

I must end now, but I must thank Stella and her crew for the food and Bob Walker for providing the projector.
And if you would like to visit somewhere else – let me know! Cheers!

Hon President's Address – David Wilkins
Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.

My report this year is this: As far as I'm concerned, I feel my first year as President has been marred by disagreements between members which have escalated out of all proportion and tempers have flared, and many of us – myself included – have received the sharp end of somebody's tongue. I feel we should address how we treat and talk to each other, and the language we use. After all this is supposed to be a hobby we enjoy, not a game of politics.

My other concern is the question of safety. During the running season we had two loco derailments – which is two too many. Fortunately nobody was injured. I think we should be more vigilant with regard to safety, bearing in mind that some people these days are out to make a fast buck where possible, and we may well be sued for even the most minor injury.

In the Chairman's Report last year, Derek talked about "Saga Group". Well this has continued throughout the year with the cleaning of the clubhouse - made easier with the new floor - continued work on the ticket office which is nearly finished apart from guttering and a final coat of paint, and continued work on fencing. Here I'd like to thank other members of Saga Enterprises, namely Peter Pullen, Iain Leitch, and Dennis Hiscock for their support and hard work over the year.

I should like to finish with a story I heard before Christmas. That is three men arrived at the Pearly Gates on Christmas Eve, and were greeted by St Peter, who said they could only enter if they showed him some relevance to Christmas. The first man took a lighter out of his pocket and made a light with it saying, "It's a candle". The second man took a bunch of keys from his pocket and rattled them saying "Christmas Bells". The third man put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a pair of pink knickers. St Peter said to him "Well, what do they have to do with Christmas?" "They're Carol's" he said.

Ian Tiplady receiving the cup from Dave Wilkins our Hon President for ME show DEC 2002, for 3 x 4mm scratch built GWR trains, mainline, freight & branch line circa 1925.

Johnathan Wright receiving the cup from Dave Wilkins our Hon President For outstanding commitment to MDSME, and being an all round team member. For working on numerous projects at club.

Len Broadly receiving the challenge shield from Dave Wilkins our Hon President For encouraging club members in Model Engineering, for Rebuilding the two club locomotives, For helping other members with their projects.

William Goffe receiving his cup from Dave Wilkins our Hon President For ME show DEC 2002, for club locomotive Minx, for maintenance, improving and running the locomotive over a considerable number of years .

Bill Smith receiving the Boat cup from Dave Wilkins our Hon President for ME show DEC 2002, for two well presented ships, ST CRASSULA of Cape town SA built in 1936 & SS TALACRE a Coaster

John Mottram {left} receiving the painting of an A4 locomotive from artist and fellow model engineer Bill Knox for John's outstanding contribution to the Society as our Honorary Social Secretary following his arrangement of some spectacular events during the last two years.

Proposal for Student Membership Category under Society Rules
On behalf of the committee, Mr Adlington proposed a new student class of membership for over 18s, to be available while a full time student card is held, the student to have a share, and pay the same rate as a senior citizen, presently £9 a year plus the initial purchase of the share. Mr Broadley modified the proposal so it should not apply to those receiving a salary whilst in further education - such as members of the armed forces attending university. The modified proposal was seconded by Mr Pullen and agreed unanimously.

Running the Minx - Part 2
09 March 2002
Last week made new big-end straps. Bent them at the club with oxyacetylene and needed a hammer to bend around a former. Worked fine. Made oil boxes during week with spring-loaded balls and 0.094" dia internal copper tube, so motion of crank is necessary to allow oil to find its way into bearing. Silver soldered on to straps. When it came to drilling the straps and rods, did it in the mill. Clocked the milling vice true. Held the rod in the milling vice, projecting 0.025" from end of vice as measured with feeler gauge, using this to get the rod horizontal. Used Ernie's "wobbler" to set the drill above the end of the rod. Used the mill table to measure where the holes should come. Placed a sash cramp all round the rod to squeeze the brasses up tight. Placed small toolmakers clamp to squeeze the strap true to the rod at the top, and placed another toolmakers clamp vertically to tighten the strap onto the rod. Beginning with centre drill, drilled first hole to half way through rod. Rotated entire setup to other end of vice to drill other half of hole. When one hole completed, placed a dowel through it and half drilled the next etc. Although perhaps rather laborious, this worked well. One oil box came off – probably didn't heat it quite enough for the silver solder to flow. It seemed to be all squeezed out as a fillet around the box!

25 March 2002
Have been putting the linkage together. Casehardened the holes that will move on the dowels, but not the others. (Heat red-hot, dip, re-heat, dip, re-heat to melt gunge, quench). The casehardened area seemed free of scale, though very grey on the surface. They remained straight (but I didn't do the connecting rods in case they warped. Would have been OK if I'd normalised them first) and the holes were still a running fit on the dowels. Cleaned up the rods with files and the buffing wheel.

Pressed the dowels into the links in a plain-jawed milling vice, placing a piece of 0.005" beer-can shim between the set of spacers so it will leave the link free once squeezed up and the shim removed. Unfortunately, made the spacers according to LBSC's notes which allow nothing for these small necessary clearances, so the finished links were too wide for the existing slide-shaft. Will try dismantling and just remaking the spacers - LBSC's 1/16" spacers are actually required to be only about 1/32"! - unfortunately, I may need to remake some of the links if they no longer grip the dowels second time around. Maybe this time I'll get all the one-dot parts in the same linkage!

Made the die-blocks in pairs on some 20 mm rod marked "LG2". This is gunmetal, and seems very soft to saw – softer even than brass - hope it will wear OK. Would have preferred Phosphor Bronze for this, but didn't have a large-enough diameter. Cut a short length drilled/reamed through 5/32", mounted it on the end of a stout bar with a ¼"BSF cap-screw, dowel and washer so the dowel doesn't fall out. The stout bar was the jig to drill the blanks for the dowel. Mounted the bar on the rotary table with a ¼" locating pin in the centre of the table. With a 5/8" end mill, milled 0.020" cuts 3/8" deep to total ¾" depth, leaving 2 die blocks side-by-side. Once I've sorted out the linkage I'll saw the blocks off the blank, this time with the stout bar clamped to an angle-plate.

Sunday, 05 May 2002
Have had to remake the jack and vibrating links, because they wouldn't fit with sufficient clearance within the slide shaft. First, milled the 1/8" stock a bit thinner with a side & face cutter. Got a wonderful finish. As 2 pairs of each of these links is required, I cut the stock approx 6" long, and marked out a link at each end. Clamped two pieces of stock together, then drilled, placing a bolt through a drilled hole early on. Whilst still long, rounded the exposed ends in the mill. In the case of the Jack link with the bulbous end, I rotated it through more than 180°, then measured the thickness of the neck. As it wasn't necked enough, I did it a bit more. Plan to avoid climb-milling here. For this operation I clamped a piece of bar in the blue J&S vice with overhanging jaws, and drilled 3 holes near the end (on the CL) to match the No 13, 5/32" and No 23 holes to be rounded. There was sufficient clearance on this vice to enable me to drop the drill into its respective hole, and use the bit of plain shank protruding above the bar as the stud on which to mill the link. I used a standard endmill for this – about 5/16" and plunged it about 0.020" into the bar, milled a short track along the bar where required, then lowered the table a bit so the end teeth were clear. The work was placed over the drill stud and rotated by hand. While it was 6" long it was easy. After rounding the first set of ends, I decided to separate the work into individual links and round the other ends. The shorter length was less pleasant to control, but still OK. Now came milling the links to correct width. I did this individually, though it might have paid to make some 1/8" stubs of rod to locate them in pairs. Each link was set up in the vice and each rounded end set 0.040" above the jaw by comparing with a feeler gauge, whilst using a magnifying helmet. This way, the rounding is centred on the holes at the end, and the width is set from the rounding. The sideways error in the first drilling op. disappears. I used a ¾" long-series endmill (sold cheaply because it's bent) in the horizontal chuck to reach across the top of the vice. I chose this in preference to the side & face cutter, to get closer into the rounded end of the jack links. Even as it was, a little finishing with a file was necessary. The links were marked in pairs, lightly countersunk where appropriate, tapped and polished.

Minx Glands & Crossheads 1

20 May 2002
Had to make new forks for the valve rods because the previous ones had a pin 11/64" diameter, and, of course, my new radius rods, with casehardened ends, are only 5/32" as per drawing. It's good if the milled slot is the tapping-size of the valve-rod, so the 2BA tap etc doesn't bind.

Set up the position of the slide-shaft as per LBSC's instructions – except the existing holes are in quite the wrong place: note: the springs are compressed 3/16" to design running position, using packings jammed between axlebox and hornstay. The springing will probably need adjusting later to bring the loco to this height when in use.

Move the slide shaft pivots back or forward to equalise the height of the die-blocks in the slide at front and back dead centre.

Move the slide shaft pivots up or down to get no valve movement at the dead centres, regardless of the position of the pole.

Made new trunnions for the slide shaft, so can relocate and clear the now wrong holes in the frame.

The valve-shafts will need shortening considerably, and it is likely also that the length of the reach rod will need careful adjusting to give equal valve-travel in forward and reverse.

01 June 2002
Have set the valve gear almost OK. Just needs finally Loctiting in place.

Meanwhile, as a breather, made a "Laurie Lawrence" blower ring and jets Friday night & Saturday. Finished just in time to watch the Queen's Golden Jubilee Prom from Buckingham Palace on telly. The jets Laurie drawn don't quite work out in practice – the 0.350" overall length is too short to give a nice top-cone the shape he draws on 5BA hex (0.22" AF) rod. It might work out if the hexagon were smaller… .I am mindful of John E's words of wisdom that blower jets at No 80 are too small.

The three No 63 jets of the old Minx Blower together had 5½ times more area than Laurie's four at No 80. Nevertheless, I tried to drill some No 80 jets, and broke several small drills. One of my jets is No 79, and the rest are No 77. It is necessary to use the greatest care not only when the drill is drilling, but also when withdrawing it from the hole, and also re-entering it into the hole. The slightest bind snaps these tiny drills.

If I wanted to enlarge the jets a bit, four No 74 jets would have half the area of the three No 63 originals.

With regard to the blast orifice, the old Minx had a hole 0.240" (6.1mm) diameter obtained by rather a brutal 45° constriction. John E took one look and said "too small". I think he prefers a soft blast, made up for by use of the blower if required. Laurie recommends 0.30" as "the maximum in this size" This would have 56% greater area. Decided instead to opt for 25% more area, or, a 0.268" diameter (6.8mm). Made the whole fitting with a ½" x 26tpi thread to screw on to the ½" OD blast pipe.

When I showed this down at the club, Chris C made a suggestion for drilling with weeny drills: Yes, in the lathe. Yes, hold the drill in a pin-chuck. Yes, hold the pin-chuck in the tail stock chuck –BUT – barely tighten the jaws of the tail stock chuck, allowing the pin chuck to just slide in and out. Clamp the tail stock chuck so it doesn't move. Drill by gripping the pin-chuck in the fingers and gently pressing it forward into the work by hand.

Tuesday, 04 June 2002 Jubilee Bank holiday.
Have had an "assembly" session, cleaning and putting the pump strap and valve-gear together with loctite. In most instances used stud lock. Tried not to fix pins into holes, just nuts on the end, but some pins may be glued in place – so, try warming to remove if difficult. Made some shim washers for the valve rod clevices. Began with 4BA brass washers. Clamped to board with 2 toolmakers clamps and drilled clearance for 5/32 = 4.1mm by hand. Too thick. Clamped favourite file flat in the vice. Rubbed the washer up and down on it using the rounded blunt end of a pencil to apply the pressure. The rounding located in the hole in the washer and worked fine. 80 strokes each side removed about 0.006". The hole was de-burred with a large drill twirled in the fingers, and the washers were ready for use.

Spoke to Mark yesterday. He would agree with my preparing the boiler for hydraulic test whilst still off the loco – just for convenience of inspection.

I shortened the reach-rod to the slide-shaft 0.116" so the pole is just back from vertical when valve is in mid-gear. Used new M&W trammels from Merstham to gauge & scribe new length for drilling, after silver soldering plug in existing hole.

7-9 June 2002
Refitted the front buffer beam.

Was able to run some more threads on the existing blast-pipe and cut 3/8" off it so my new blower nozzle will fit. Prized the washer out from under the blast pipe – wants to be a little thinner (¼ turn). Don't just want to do it up very tight in case I disturb the exhaust pipe screwed into the cylinder block. It would be a disaster if this turned at all, as it would jam the valve buckles.

Refitted blower pipe, boiler feed from pump, pump bypass pipe, boiler feed from injector.

Replaced running boards. Refilled and turned oil pump till no more air came out before reconnecting. Shortened the new valve clevis-pin so it fits the oil pump. Reconnected the drain-cock lever and rod. It's suddenly beginning to come together again! Refitted the front running board covering the oil-feed, and loosely put the smoke box in place just to see what it looked like! At the moment, then new motion is quite stiff – I can turn it OK with both hands, but the wheels don't turn if one pushes the loco on the rails – it

just slips along.
10 June 2002

Loctited valve clevis-pins. Began looking at boiler. Can't easily remove regulator because 1) the two screws securing it to the boiler shell are beneath the cleading. 2) Removing the steam pipe is unlikely to be rewarding – would probably be wrecked and need remaking. Made a new dome gasket.

12 June 2002
Installed super heater without any sealant. The previous super heater boss just pressed down at the bottom of the recess and was not sealed on the bolting flange which is sooty. Decided to just nip it up tight and see whether leakage occurs during pressure test. Can put sealant in later if I want to, but may make it impossible to pull apart, even with the new jacking screw holes I made this morning. The threads are M4, so the M4 stainless bolts used to secure the header can also be used to jack it off again. (These proved invaluable within days - thanks Motty). Made test plugs for super heater so can fill and pressure test at same time as boiler.

Examined the Regulator disk. Both holes were fully circular. Without dismantling anything I was just able to get a three-square warding file in, and filed a little triangular notch in one of the holes to serve as "first valve". A longer saw-kerf would maybe be better, but we shall see. Washed the filings through with water. Sealed the regulator cover with a new gasket and Halfords blue silicone sealant both sides.

Began consideration of Minx Springing.
The springs carry the weight of the complete loco with a full boiler, LESS the weight of the wheels, axle boxes and coupling rods. Weighed the wheel assemblies & rods of the other Minx at 19.75lb.

Measured the volume of water in the boiler: 3,250ml when the water is just in the top-nut of the glass. This weighs 7.14lb. Incidentally, the difference between top and bottom nut is 1600ml, half the capacity of the boiler. Carefully measured where bottom nut is in relation to firebox crown. I judge the gauge glass requires a 7/16" collar blinding off the bottom part of the glass (and made one). This assumes the boiler plate is 1/8" thick. At present, if the water is down at the bottom, the crown is definitely exposed, and this situation is misleading and potentially dangerous – more so because some locos on site still have a margin of safety when the water is at the bottom of the glass.

13 June 2002
Refitted gauge glass with new "O"rings cut from old inner tube. The previous ones had gone hard and brittle.

All-up weight of Minx is 110lb, including simulated full boiler.

Deduct 19.75lb weight of wheel sets gives 90.25lb supported on springs, which is 7.52lb on each of 12 springs. Curly envisages a 3/16" deflection produced by the 7.52lb loco weight. This suggests a spring rate of 40.11 lb/in. (When I calculated the springing for Bill B's Minx, I forgot to allow for the weight of the wheel sets, not carried by the springs, so arrived at firmer springs than LBSC says). Existing Minx springs seem to be 74lb/in measured rate, and axle boxes were right down on horn stays with loco at rest. This I am changing to restore 3/16" design gap above hornstay.

News from the site.
A brief summary of events at the club site now follows:-
Raised Track
On the elevated 3½", 5 & 7¼" track, several concrete panels were replaced before Easter as the old ones were life expired. A new batch of concrete horizontal panel have been manufactured and acquired from our supplier, these are now waiting for a suitable date to install them, to replaced the next set of decaying concrete panels / posts. The raised track was back in action for the start of the Easter season.

A new insurance requirement has now become mandatory on the elevated track. All trains that are used for public passenger hauling that has more than one passenger car attached HAS TO HAVE A GUARD. I no guard is available, the train is not allowed to be used if this requirement is broken the insurance is nul and void. A train of one engine and one passenger car does not need a guard.

Over Easter the raise track loco drivers experimented with double and triple heading with their locomotives and running longer trains, and the feedback that I heard about was very positive, and everybody concerned seemed to enjoy this change in operating procedure.

Ground Level Track
Hmm, where to start! Well plenty of track being relaid as these lengths were laid 15 years ago..!! Ready for the Easter seasons start. Angel Road Signal box has received its heart transplant to operate the signalling system, and it all worked OK for Easter.

The Alps line concrete retaining was finally completed as far as the concreating goes on the Angel road end, only the chain link fencing remains to be done, even the track edging has been landscaped and grassed over with donated turf. Thanks to some very good contacts.

The metal sit astride mauve carriages have had all their boogies removed and overhauled and as I write this the boogies are being re assembled in readiness for return to sue, the original boogies had done really well and only the wheel sets were worn out and needed replacing.

The club engine 'Tom Snoxell' aka a Romulus 0-4-0T engine has been reassembled following a major rebuilding and has had a preliminary steam test, and following some minor adjustments will be back in service later in the season maybe during June. Those that like spotting the difference should note that the loco has changed colour from Maroon to Green.

Thanks are due to all them team of members involved in turning the engine round in such a small amount of time, thanks gents.

Easter and the beginning of May track days arrived and were fairly busy, there was a bit of rust to shake out of the system but considering all had been shut up for the winter all operated quite well.

The club now has a new telephone system installed and is currently working to all sites, buildings except the raised track station, and that building dear member is next on my list, though it also happens to be the hardest to reach as there is currently no cable duct running that direction, but as they say a new cable duct is in the planning stage.

I am always grateful for articles for the newsletter, my supply of articles is currently zero for the next edition of this magasine.. So the next newsletter could be a long time coming like the end of the year!

So if you would like to see another newsletter sooner than the end of the year, can I suggest you drop me a line with a suitable article.

I know that the majority of the members enjoy the contact with the Roundhouse club magasine.

And past copy of this magasine has proved to be diverse in it content, from model engineering to full sized practice locomoteive practice, from workshop tips to past stories from industry.

I also hope to have an article from the workshop team, now there's an arm twister! Hint hint.

Two Photos below are from the 1960's top photo is the raised track around 1960 with youngsters driving - anybody know the engine or driver?

The above phote is thought to be taken at Beverley Park prior to 1955 when we moved to our current site.

Bottom photo Tom Snoxell driving his GNR 4-4-2 Atlantic across the level crossing on the 7¼ GL track.

Thats all for now folks.

Hope to see you at the club site

Mark Adlington.

Events Diary 2003

Sunday 26th May May bank holiday, Public open day. (members BBQ 6.30pm)

Monday 27th May Public Open day.

Sunday 1st June Public open day.

Sunday 6th July Public open day.

Sat. 19th July 36th Guildford ME Society Steam Rally

Sunday 20th July 36th Guildford ME Society Steam Rally

Sunday 3rd August Public open day.

Sunday 24th August Public open day. (members BBQ 6.30pm)

Monday 25th August Bank holiday, Public open day.

Sunday 7th September Public open day.

Friday 26th September 12am, thru to Sunday 28th September, 7¼ Society AGM at

Frimley Lodge Miniature Railway, Frimley Surrey.

Sunday 5th October Public open day.

Sunday 14th December Santa Run


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