The Roundhouse Journal September 2002

Something a little Different A 7¼" gauge Garratt

It all started some 17 years ago when I saw a picture of William Francis" in a book and fell in love with it. I spent hours looking at the pictures wondering whether it would be possible to make it in 7¼" gauge. In the end, with my wife's encouragement ("for goodness sake get on with it!") I decided to have a go. Due to other commitments, the actual building time was about 8 years, for the engine and bowser.

The full sized engine, an 0-4-0 + 0-4-0 Bayer Garratt, is standard gauge (4ft 8½") and was built by Bayer Peacock for Baddesley Colliery, Warwickshire. The locomotive, Works no. 6941, left Gorton works on the 16th February 1937. Not only was it the last locomotive built for Baddesley, but the very last Bayer Garratt built for use industrial or otherwise in this Country and the only British Garratt to still exist. The engine was named after the colliery founders son, William Francis Dugdale. In service, it was quite comfortable with loads of 130 tons on a 1 in 20 gradient.

loco garrett The Model.
I managed to obtain one drawing of the full sized engine and obtained permission to measure and photograph the original, which is now at Bressingham Steam museum, Norfolk.

I then did drawings for the power units and boiler frames, front and rear tanks and the cab. It became apparent that the cylinders, valve gear and the wheels of the "Hercules" engine in 7¼ were virtually identical, except for the lifting links of the valve gear, so thankfully no patterns to make.

Although the full sized engine only had a very short lifting link due to the weigh shaft being set below the frame tops. .

I have kept the longer lifting links with the weigh shaft on top of the frames but with the lifting arms reversed, thus avoiding excessive die slip and variable valve settings This allows the die on the front unit to go down for forward gear and the rear unit die to go up, as technically the rear unit is running in reverse.

I based the design of the boiler on that used on the Romulus engine, as I knew they were good steamers, but with a larger great area. It is a steel boiler fitted with a fusible plug in the crown.

The water gauges have automatic shut-off valves. I managed to get over the problems of flexible joints for steam and exhaust pipes by using hydraulic hoses, and car heater hose for the water.

The engine is painted lack with white lining, the same as the original when delivered to Baddesley Colliery. The paint used was supplied by Phoenix / Precision Paints, with the gloss reduced by 3% and applied by spray.

Also with the engine I have made a water bowser in the form of a vanderbilt tender. I sit on the coal bunker and the seat carries approximately 15 gallons of water. This vehicle gives me a very smooth ride and has fully compensated double clasp brakes, manually applied. The overall length of the engine and bowser is 13ft 4".

On all steamings to date, the engine has performed very well, although on the first steaming the noise made when running was unbelievable, due to the blast nozzle being too small.

On Sunday December 9th 2001 the engine did its first public duty running for 4½ hours on Santa Specials. Without any problems at all, except for the driver who was a bit stiff and the end of the day!

Douglas 4-4-0 locomotive
Rod Jane's re assembly of this South African Locomotive has moved another step nearer to completion with the first steaming, there are a couple of minor problems to be sorted, more news in the next Newsletter

A personal account of the trip to the Seven Valley.
The day dawned cloudy but dry William kindly gave me a lift to the Seven Valley railway along with Robert Sambridge and Ian Fitch who entertained us all the way with his lively chatter, on arrival William parked the car in the car park witch is alongside the track.

Low and behold I did espy certain persons through the windows of a very posh coach on platform one. When we had walked round to the entrance to the railway and down platform one, the persons turned out to be Martin Baker, Paul Henley. Derek Smith, John Hampshire, Bill Knox, Steve Grey, Chris Cave, John Mottram, old uncle Tom Cobly and all. And other members of the Malden Mafia.

The posh coach turned out to be the Directors inspection saloon of the G.WR. Our transport for the day. There was much excitement whilst we awaited the arrival of the big boy's toy for the day Union of South Africa. And when I say big boys toy its gienormous standing alongside on the platform, Its even bigger when standing down on the track, The engine was coupled up and those lucky blighters who won on the lottery to drive and fire started to get even more exited so much so that John Hampshire tried to put both legs into the same trouser leg of his overalls, And then our host called the learner drivers to a briefing meeting on the foot plate. Whilst the rest of us piled into the coach to be greeted by a very nice young lady who was to be our hostess for the day.

And so with the first two learners on the foot plate off we went to a very smooth start we in the coach having a very comfortable time seated on armchairs and sofas our hostess made tea and coffee for us and we settled down to a super ride everyone taking photo's of the engine and scenery (if they all come out we will need the Tate gallery to display them) the engine of course was about 18" away through the glass window most of us migrated along to the after saloon to see the scenery and track as all we could see this end was the back of the tender, If I may digress for a moment to describe our coach,

It has Windows all round and I mean all round with Five arm chairs across the end under the window a settee along each side and a table at the end of this compartment loaded with cups and saucers and biscuits. Alongside the table is a corridor witch passes the kitchen, then the guards compartment and then the toilet to open out into the after compartment this was laid out slightly different to the other end as it had four armchairs against the bulkhead a settee along the right hand side a table opposite also laden with goodies and another table across the coach and five armchairs under the end windows with three doors per side spaced equally. The ends of the coach had sets of bell pushes marked 1 whistle, 2 faster, 3 slower, and 4 stop. It also had a brake vacuum gauge (working) windscreen wipers, (not working) and a gong outside as on the branch line trains of old. As you can see this was indeed travelling in style.

The train proceeded at a leisurely pace stopping at stations along the route to allow the service trains to pass as this is a single line all the way with passing loops at the stations it also gave us the opportunity to alight and stretch our legs and look at the infrastructure that was clean and tidy around the building and station areas, maybe we could learn a thing or two from them. On our arrival at Bridgenorth the engine was uncoupled and run around the train those in the party not selected to drive were allowed onto the foot plate two at a time whilst this took place, The remainder were taken on a tour of the workshops this as you can imagine is a great privilege now as the health and safety busy bodies have been at work and it is no longer possible for the public to walk around the yard etc, First we were shown the yard where the locos are refuelled and behind the place where they remove the wheels, cabs and boilers etc, Then the to engineering dept to see various operations in progress on machines that that dwarfed us in size. We then went into the boiler shop and saw the damage to Taw Valleys boiler.

This is in the process of having its damaged stays removed

Most of these are cut out with a cutting torch but some were being drilled out as these are made of monel metal and cannot be burnt out.

We then had to return to the train as it was time for us to return to Kidderminster with Two others of the chosen group "acting as fireman and driver," and for the rest of us to consume more tea and coffee also those who had fired and driven us up now returned on the cushions literally as their moment of glory was sadly over all of the learners expressed surprise at the lack of visibility from the loco footplate and that actions taken do not have an immediate effect on the loco.

Running back to Kidderminster the engine was running tender first and this gave a wonderful opportunity to observe the loco truck wheels from around 30" hunting from side to side as the flanges rode up the cone angle and back down it does make one wonder how they stay on the track and of course running in this manor you get the full benefit of the whistle that is only 18" away as it was sounded at each crossing and there are a lot of crossings, The learners who had finished their stint gave the rest of us a commentary on the performance of those driving us as each time we slowed down we could see the vacuum gauge in our coach fall and rise on application of the brakes and there has to be a minimum of 10" or the train would come to a stand. On the way down another train containing a wedding party passed us this is a novel way to begin a marriage on arrival at our destination we were treated to a visit to the carriage repair shop I personally went on the footplate whilst the engine was run around the train this I found to be a very interesting experience, As there was some time to wait for the next service train to arrive before we could leave I visited the shop on the station and found it to be full of goodies. When I returned to the platform the hostess was loading a trolley with food for our lunch.

When the others returned from the carriage shop Steve Grey ran a seaside type picture operation taking all our photos sitting at the drivers position on the footplate pretending to be driving.

On entering our coach again we were greeted by a table loaded down with food like Stella produces on visitors days. Having received the off we left the station on our way back to Bridgenorth on a siding beside us there was a single self propelled minibus type vehicle running up and down being tested for one of the Welsh branch lines I think. our hostess commanded us to help ourselves to the food and supplied us with orange squash to wash it all down not that it needed washing down it was so delicious that we and paid no attention to the way we were being driven back to the other end of the line except on a stop at one of the crossing points our hostess alighted from the train and when the right away was given our driver who shall be nameless started off and then had to slam the brakes on to let her get back on the train and nearly depositing everybody's lunch in their laps we also had another delay further on waiting for the wedding train to pass on its way back to Kidderminster during this wait Johnny Mottram found a signal instrument in the shop on the station and cried with delight as he has paid a lot more for them down here this stop made us late at arriving at bridge north so we had no time to visit the signal box that had been arranged for us to see.

We only had time to change driver and fireman the last two of our party to drive and fire and we were then on our way back to Kidderminster once more drinking more tea etc with the command you have to eat it all up our hostess as if you do not it will only get thrown away so we did as commanded and there was still food left so much so that j.m. collected nine drum sticks and wrapped them in serviettes to eat on the way home or so he said we think he has had them for lunch all the following week.

On our way down to Kidderminster we presented our hostess with a bouquet of flowers for the way she had looked after us all day.

On our arrival at Kidderminster we were invited to see around the museum this also contains a snack bar so you can imagine what came next, that's right more tea and coffee It also contains some very interesting exhibits of early railway equipment I also came to learn that our guard was a director and the driver instructor was the general manager of the Seven valley railway. I know that everyone enjoyed themselves so much so Johnny Mott is going to have a hard time finding anything to equal it in the future

One last point on our way back to London William diverted so that we could see the Lickey Incline at Bromsgrove this is so long that a special engine was built to bank trains up it in the days of steam.


I would also like to thank those of you who did not support this trip as you made it possible for the rest of us ride in the support coach If more of you had come we could not have travelled in the coach behind the engine as if the party is over twenty we would have had to travel in a normal service train

So if the opportunity should arise again Please Do Not Support It then we can have another terrific day to ourselves.

I would like to thank the Seven Valley John Mottram and William for making the day so enjoyable.

Peter Pullen.

Synopsis of Committee 6.6.02
Families day and night run is set for 14th September
New members for this month are Robert Underhey {jnr member} and John Weedy {snr member}

Canterbury club to visit MDSME on 14th July
There will be a change of locks on the front door of the clubhouse therefore new keys will need to be issued on the 1st September onwards.

Mike Evans will issue the new keys in return for the old key. Also key deposit is increased for people having a key for the first time. {This is a one time payment refundable on surrender of key}.

Synopsis of Committee 4.7.02
We have one new member this month, Phil Swallow {snr member}
As from Easter 2003 all ground level trains / engines will have to be fully braked. {This is a policy decision by the committee}

The Disability Discrimination Act.
This act comes into force in 2004 and we will have to comply with it by then. We need to look around and see if there are any obvious impediments to anyone who is disabled this does not mean wheelchairs users only. Sight and hearing can also be a problem. If you can think of anything that could be done on site, please make this know to the committee.

Synopsis of Committee 8.8.02
It is proposed that all carriages will be vacuum braked on The ground level track by 2003 additional coaches will be fitted during the winter season.

The autumn locomotive rally of the Hereford Society will be held on the 21st September followed by an open day on the 22nd. Birmingham locomotive rally will be on the 14th and 15th September.

We had no new applications for membership this month so members are encouraged to find new members.

Track data for last Sunday the ground level carried 737 passengers 7 engines and the raised track carried 234 with 4 engines this was despite the rain.

Wimborne society enjoyed there day with us so much that they have sent a cheque for £50.

As you already know the workshop group have done sterling work in getting the new extension weather proof and the next stage is to get the electric's and ventilation fitted, there will also be some surplus machinery to be disposed of but more of that later.

The question of speed came up at our meeting last night this is being reflected more and more as a factor on public running days we need to pay more heed to it and keep it down this is because of the claims culture in today's society that will claim for the least little thing.

All Boilers presented for testing will require

A 1/8" British Standard Pipe threaded male spigot to connect to the boiler test equipment this will apply from now 14/8/02.

The boiler test gauge has also been calibrated by the dead weight tester and is correct.

Lionel Frerk
It is with deep regret that we heard of the death of Lionel on the 12th August 2002, Lionel had been a member for many years living in Claygate, he was building a 5" gauge 4-6-0 British Rail Britannia class loco, Our sympathies go to his wife Barbara and his children.

Letter to the Society.
Dear Sir,

Way back in 1953, I joined the Malden Society and had many eventful and pleasurable days, meeting some real characters from all walks of life. At first the Secretary was Archie Doyle, and my first outing was to Swindon Locomotive works, and I still have the letter asking for 17/6d to cover the fare!. I understand members used to meet literally (1947) on a concrete base hoping the walls of the clubhouse would soon be built. There was another line for 7¼" gauge in these days, in fact 5" gauge was considered for millionaires only. Eventually George Smith took over and soon the large gauge became routine. In those days my main interest was in clocks and I built a synchronous master clock, also repairing watches for member, in return for which I could get some difficult machining done, or a boiler silver soldered. I actually started an Invictica, and all the heated debates were centred around L.B.S.C writings.

Life has greatly changed since then, and eventually after moving house I had to give up my membership. The recession also caused a great deal of trouble and most of my model work had to be sold including a Shand Mason fire engine, and the chassis of a Jeanie Deans in 3½" gauge. I have been totally fascinated by compounding for many years and have studied it quite deeply. I imagined the compound effect would be more noticeable in 7¼" gauge, so I started a 'Teutonic" with more zeal than experience, doubling up L.B.S.C's drawings and using photocopies of works drawings signed by Francis Webb. Some of the Theory of gas flowing the passages of the re- heater can be come very involved, and I hoped for a receiver pressure of about 45 psi. Which on a piston of 3 3/4" dia would have made a very powerful locomotive. However life again changed and time became scarce. Due to increased criminal activity around where I live and other work comments and the physical weight of 7¼" gauge work, I reluctantly decided to abandon the project. I am a member of the L.N.W.R Society and offered it for sale, but most of these members are inclined to the historical side of model work in 4mm scale and 7mm sizes. Eventually it will be advertised in Model Engineer, but if any member in MDSME would be interested, as you have a fine 7¼" gauge track. It is only a suggestion, but perhaps you could arrange for this to be notice board or circulated.

Obviously hundreds of hours of work would have to be put aside, and I only require that the cost of the materials are recouped. Not much has been done, but the frames are erected in 3/16 BMS and the 3 cylinders are erected and fixed and bored. To the right member it would be a fine bargain. I think it is the only one in existence, though I think there are two on 5" gauge. A 'Dreadnought' formally in the science museum, is I think now at York.

Yours Graham F Paker
8 Rosedale Road
Stonleigh, Espom,
Surrey KT17 2JQ

As you will see in the rest of this issue of Roundhouse contains pictures as picture speaks a thousand words,
Hopefully the photographs are self explanatory,

news photo
Page 1 shows Douglas on shed with Rod Janes discussing progress with Stan and Peter, The raised track photos show Jim Lawson and his GNR 4-2-2 Stirling Single & Roy Schofield with his 0-6-0T Simplex 'Laura' enjoying a summers run on our Track.

news photo2
Page 2 is a split photo, Top 2 photos shows Tinkerbell, Roger Marshes original Tinkerbell locomotive, restored to it original condition by Jim Haylock at his railway in Moor Valley Country Park near Ringwood Dorset, 2nd top photo show some of the other engines on Jim Railway.

Bottom two photo's are at Malden, Roy Schofield and Jim Lawson with their 5" gauge engines. And my daughter Elizabeth caught John Mottram on his hand and knees!! :-)

news photo3
Page 3 Shows pictures of the Great Cockcrow Railway at Chertsey taken in June when the contingent of Malden members went to the GCR open Day, we all had a wonderful time, Thanks to the GCR

Subscription 2002/2003
A reminder that in 99% of all cases subscriptions will become due from the 1st September 2002, Mike Evans our Hon Treasurer will be in contact in due course. Arrangement will also be made to pay subs at the club on Friday night. Remember that there is a subscription rise this year.

I hope you enjoy this Roundhouse issue, and may I wish you a good steaming or machining or what ever interests you for the rest of 2002.

Dear Club Members

When I took on the compilation / Editorship of the Roundhouse Magazine a number of years ago I clearly stated that it would only be possible to produce the Magasine provided the membership were able to supply me with suitable articles to include in the Magasine.

This copy of the Magasine which is the first one since Easter 2002 as only has two article has been received from the membership. Peter Steadman very kindly produced the front page article on his new Garratt 0-4-0+0-4-0 ' William Francis' {Thanks Peter}. The other being the SVR engine driving trip {thanks to Peter Pullen & group}. The rest of this Roundhouse is made up with committee synopsis's and one letter received from a past member wishing to sell his locomotive.

I have cajoled several members over the summer for articles, news or information. Unfortunately to date this has amounted to ZERO.

If the membership wish the Roundhouse Magasine to continue then the membership will have to start putting pen to paper, or by e-mail to me { as without articles or material, the club will not have another Roundhouse Magasine.


The first locomotive halled steam train made it over the Alps line at 5pm on Sunday 8th Septemebr 2002, history was made when John Hampshire's LMS Black 5, and Paul Henley's locomotive took 4 passenger cars over the ALPS full of club members who had been associated with construction the ALPS over the last 2 to 3 years. The following hour was spent riding the new circuit.

Events Diary 2002
Sunday 6th October Public open day.
Sunday 13th October 7¼" Gauge Open day.
Saturday 2nd November ticket only event {even if not eating}, contact Social Sec for details.
Friday 29th November Rummage Sale.
Sunday 8th December Santa run. - Confirmed.
Thursday 26th December Boxing Day steam up.

Any other dates / information will be sent direct to members

Santa Special is going ahead on Sunday 8th December 2002.

We need all your Help to make this Event run smoothly. Engines, Drivers, Signal men, Ground and Raised Level Track Members are required.

The First Santa Special Train, leaves Willowbank Station at 11.00 a.m.
So please come early and assist in getting us ready for this event.

A packed lunch will be provided for all Workers. The list has be put up on the Notice Board in the Clubhouse for you to specify your Food requirements.

If you have a Santa Hat so much the better.

Present Wrapping will take place in the Clubhouse on Sunday 26th November 2000 from 10.00 a.m. Helpers would be appreciated for this interesting job.

Tea and Coffee will be supplied.
Look forward to seeing you
Stella Evans