The Roundhouse Journal April 2002


From the AGM for Year ended 31 st August 2001 held on 14 Dec 2001….. WMG 11h April 2002

Chairman's Report Derek C Smith

Welcome to the Annual General Meeting of Malden and District Society of Model Engineers.

The theme of the Chairman's address this evening is Leadership and Service. Tonight on your behalf I would like to concentrate on the role and membership of the Committee.

The committee is elected by you, the members of the organisation at the Annual General Meeting to give Leadership and Direction to the Society and to be responsible for the day to day running of the organisation and to ensure that its monies are spent wisely and correctly accounted for.

I can say without hesitation that Malden and District Society of Model Engineers is a well-run organisation, which is responsive to the wishes of the membership. This is mainly due to the individual committee members who make up the committee both as Officers and as Ordinary Committee Members. For those of you who are new to the organisation, the officers of the committee are the President, the Vice-president, the Hon. Secretary, the Hon. Treasurer, the Hon. Social Secretary, the Hon. Librarian and last but not least the Hon. Raised Track Co-ordinator. All the officers are elected for one year. They form the Committee together with a number of ordinary members, normally six, who are each elected each for two years.

Our President, Jack Rowland, has proved to be a very good President with his elder statesman virtues and his abilities to apply good common sense with gentle words of wisdom and persuasion. Generally a modifying and calming influence Jack has none the less been very forceful on occasions and has made his presence felt at our committee meetings. He has also been a very good Father Christmas.

Jack has, this year, suffered from deteriorating health and has recently undergone major heart surgery. I understand that Jack is on the road to full recovery.

I'm sorry to say that Jack has, however, indicated that he will not stand for re-election this year.

I am sure that you will join me in sending our thanks to Jack for his service to the club and to the committee over the past years, wishing him a speedy recovery and looking forward to his return in the new year.

Our Vice-President, Dave Wilkins, head of the Saga group of companies: Saga Janitorial, Saga rolling stock, Saga grass cutting, Saga picnic tables and Saga fencing has given an extraordinary amount of service to the Club being fully supported by his wife Elizabeth and his family. Dave, this year, has suffered increasing problems with angina. Like Jack, Dave has recently undergone major heart surgery to correct this condition. Again we all wish Dave a speedy recovery.

Our Hon. Secretary William Goffe has proved to be an admirable secretary with his eye for detail in the way he records the minutes of each Committee meeting and of course the AGM. And he has a sort of eloquence of creating and writing letters which often require some degree of sensitivity. William has a keen interest in the workshop facility and the raised track. He has been one of the major work forces behind the new workshop extension, which is now nearing completion.

Mike Evans is our Treasurer who is fully supported by his wife Stella and together they make an enormous contribution to this society. Mike is a meticulous bookkeeper with an eye for detail and accuracy. On track days he arranges and provides money floats for the ticket sales, shop and of course, the kitchen. At the end of the day he collects all the money back, counts it and makes sure it goes into the bank, He collects the yearly subscriptions, organises the share account, arranges the insurance aspect of the society, including our Personal and Building insurance and our Public Liability Insurance. He also writes to each locomotive owner to secure their availability's on track days. In all, Mike is a very busy person.

John Mottram – our Hon. Social Secretary - what can I say about John. John organises all our social events including the recent very successful Fish 'n Chip bonfire evening. There is not an aspect of this society, which has not felt the influence of John. John is always up to something; installing the central heating, digging holes, framing the many memento's which surround us, digging holes, cutting and threading steel conduit for the electrical system, digging holes, and generally helping everyone whether they like it or not. John lives and breathes MDSME.

Peter Pullen, who needs no introduction to the Friday nighters is also part of the Saga group. Peter looks after the library, which now has an extensive range of technical literature, back issues of the Model Engineers publications and some more modern videos: all for the use of the membership. Peter organises the mentally handicapped special Sunday event. He is the town crier of Friday nights bringing news of events and chivvying members to take part. Peter is a very practical person and brings a touch of common sense to our committee meetings.

Steve Gray, the Hon. Raised Track Co-ordinator, is relatively new to the committee and holds a relatively new position. He brings a breath of fresh air to the committee. He has organised a number of working parties to continue the ceaseless maintenance programme, which is necessary to maintain the raised track in a condition which it can be used pleasurably and above all safely.

Mark Adlington, an ordinary committee member, has a great diversity of skills, including that of being leader of the ground level signalling sub-committee. He is also the designer and installer of most of our signalling and communications system. Mark also edits and produces the Society's magazine "The Round House". He has also produced the entire calling papers for this AGM and made sure they were printed on time, placed in envelopes, addressed and finally posted to your home address. A lot of work indeed.

Paul Henley – what can I say about Paul which can be shared in mixed company. Not a lot! There is only one Paul Henley thank God and he is a very industrious hard worker who has led many club projects including the Alps project which will bring a new dimension to the ground level track including a tunnel and a new line, completing for the first time a double track around the entire site. Watch this space next year. Paul is also responsible for the installation and general safety of the club's main electricity supply. (In short, Motty digs the hole and Henley fills them with concrete)

Martin Baker is responsible for the ground track maintenance and leads a gang (aptly named) each and every Sunday, undertaking that task. Martin has published articles in the Model Engineering press describing the interface between wheel sets and track. He has corresponded with the Health & Safety Executive on the newly published Code of Practice for Model Passenger carrying trains. Martin has the ability to apply good common sense in the solving of engineering and technical problems.

William Knox, known as Bill, is a relatively new member of our committee. He is a man of many talents including being a good engineer and a talented railway artist. Bill is currently undertaking and providing some new ideas and graphics for our site brochure.

Jerry Burchell has brought to the committee and to the society his expertise and civil engineering knowledge, taking a very direct leadership role in the toilets and workshop extension. Jerry undertook the very necessary structural calculations for the reinforced concrete tunnel roof, which forms part of the Alps project. Jerry has indicated his wish not to seek re-election to the committee this year. We therefore respect Jerry for his decision and thank him for his valuable contribution to the committee.

John Hampshire again is a relatively new member of the committee. Being a refugee engineer from the aircraft industry John brings a wealth of talent and expertise of Model Engineering Practice. He is a member of the Boiler Committee and brings good common sense to that position based on a sound understanding of the theory and practical application of pressure vessel fabrication, testing and service use. John also brings good common sense to the committee.

And that leaves me, an ordinary member of the committee but one who is elected by the committee to Chair their meetings, and, of course, the AGM. For my part I take an active role in all club events and in particular oversee the leasing arrangements with our tenants next door.

Now what I've been aiming to describe is the membership of this year's committee and to give a taste of what these people have been involved in, because they are the people who are leading and shaping this club.

My intention tonight has been to demonstrate the great diversity of skills and talent and sheer hard work of people who have been elected by you to serve as your committee members. The committee needs your support. It welcomes newly elected members and strives to improve the facilities of the club and the nature of the society. Now I think they've done a great deal of work this year – will you stand up, committee members, please – I believe they stand a good round of applause - Thank you.

I wish to end with one thought, that unlike that television programme which is hosted by Anne Robinson – There are no weak links on this committee!!

Hon Secretary's Report William M. Goffe

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen.

To begin on a sombre note,

I was very sorry to hear of the death of Reg Gale, as I'm sure were you all. Reg was one of the first Malden members I got to know, and he helped me personally with books, tools, and materials for several projects over the years. I know he extended the same kindness to many members, to my children, and also, to the club. Only a couple of weeks ago he brought down some shaped grinding wheels for the workshop here, which will well suit the big cutter grinder. I'd now just like to say "Thank you, Reg". We shall all miss him.

There are lots of projects going on at the moment, the new ticket office, operation Santa, rewiring the signalling, Maintaining the track, the workshop extension.

The Tuesday group has made all the brown fencing on site - round Santa's grotto, the parking area and Willowbank station, as well as six picnic tables, a door for the Workshop Extension, and most of the new ticket office. They have also brought River Rythe back into steam after several years, and are now engaged in re-boilering Tom Snoxell. Another member finished off the cement-work on the Roundhouse loading ramps, and we have improved the fencing across the stream with the agreement of our neighbours.

But if you want to see what progress really looks like - just look at the Alps! The tunnel is now substantially complete, and now they're racing up backwards with the edge-beaming.

Whilst you couldn't say "racing" about the Workshop Extension, there is movement in the roof - and I don't mean squirrels. The insulation and boarding has been installed in preparation for rendering and doing the floor.

There's lots going on, and lots still to do. Come down on Sunday. Bring a can of soup. Enrol your friends. See what's going on and lend a hand. Or perhaps you'd like to take on a job of your very own? - like repairing the bargeboard on the Raised Track Station, or making the tea. You'll be very welcome.

And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, while the fusible plug of your patience still holds up against the intensity of the evening's proceedings, and the yellow dog of time races the Hampton-Court to Waterloo – I'm through!

Hon Social Secretary's Report John R. Mottram

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. I must first start by thanking John Osborne for arranging our trip on the train, via the Magical Mystery Tour. Due to the Selby rail crash and Foot & Mouth, we ended up at either York Museum, or by coach to the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway instead of the North York Moors Railway. A good time was had by all.

I have also to thank Jerry Burchell for his gallant efforts in persuading us to exhibit our models at Sandown – an exhibition not to be missed. Also Stella and her crew for the food at our families day and barbecue and the afters on Bonfire night – a treat not to be missed – and not forgetting our Chairman and his crew for the excellent display of fireworks. They did us proud – surely the biggest bang in years!

The Northolt Club made it early on our families day and had a good time. Even though the Electricity Board had to repair a hot fuse so food was had in the dark!

The film crew enjoyed themselves over 2 days but we're still waiting to hear from Martin when they are going to show it. Once it's been on TV they will send us a copy of the video for our library – see our Librarian for details of videos to borrow. At present I am dealing with the new owner of the full size Taw Valley loco for a private trip on the Severn Valley Railway in the New Year – watch out for details in the post. By the way, if you have not signed Jack's card, please do so.

Letter to the club.. Re the late Reg Gale

Dear Jerry {Burchell},

Thank you and all member of the Malden and District SME club for all the effort & hard work you put into disposing of my brothers workshop & library. The amount that you realised far exceeds mine and my wife's expectations.

I am sure Reg's wishes were carried out by all his friends at the club & I hope many of you purchased items that will be useful to you & maybe remember him by.

In spite of all of Reg's eccentricities I am sure he will be missed by many of you. We wish to thank you all that attended Reg's funeral, your support was much appreciated as own family is very few now.

Once again thank you all most sincerely.

George & Maureen Gale.

What will happen to it all when I die?

Not an easy prospect to consider – but there are some things you can do to make things easier for those you leave behind.

Obviously, make a will, ensuring that it is properly witnessed. One of the purposes of the will is to appoint an executor who will have the task of administering your estate in accordance with your wishes.

Once you have made your will, it is important it gets found when needed, (as opposed to gets lost). If you use a solicitor, they may well hold the original will in their safekeeping, giving you a copy. Those around you need to know who the solicitor is, and who is your executor.

…and the things at the club?

Some of you may have things down at the club – perhaps a locomotive, or a piece of equipment. It would be helpful to the Society to know who will be your executor and, if possible, your eventual intentions regarding these items, especially in the case of locomotives. The Society now has loan forms available to serve as a record of items (apart from locomotives) that are on loan to the Society. These allow you to say what you wish to happen to these items in the event of your death. Unless you state otherwise on the form, the item will become the property of the Society, and, in the absence of a completed loan form, we will assume that all items on site already belong to the Society.

Usually this will be in accordance with your wishes – clearing a workshop is a sad undertaking for any engineer, and particularly poignant if it belonged to a friend or relative. At such moments, less may well be more. Loan forms can be obtained from the Hon. Secretary.

WMG 8th March 2002

The Development of the Locomotive Turntable
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers

This article has been scanned in from a copy of The Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and Wagon Review, dated February 15th 1937. It provides an insight into locomotive turntable design considerations at the time and might be of interest to members.

AT the meeting held on January 27, at the Hall. of the Insti.tution of Mechanical Engineers, over which Mr. W. A. Agnew presided, a paper on Locomotive Turntables was read by Mr. J. H. A. Wilkins, Associate Member. We give below a brief abstract of the main points mentioned.

Modern turntables can be broadly classified into one of three types:-

1. The cantilever, or centre balanced type ; either through or deck pattern.

2. Articulated or centre hinged type.

3. Continuous girder type supported at three points.

Out of a total of over 927 turntables in use in 1936, 847 were of the balanced type of construction: 21 were articulated and 20 of the continuous girder (Mundt) pattern; 70 ft. diameter is the largest ta:ble in use and this length should suffice for some years to come as far as this country is concerned.

In the centre balanced type the turntable is balanced in the centre, the main girders acting as cantilevers.

Two strong wrought iron or steel plate girders are braced together by stretchers, and securely attached to a middle framework which rests on and revolves round a centre pin fixed to a solid foundation. To the ends of the girders are attached large carrying wheels which travel on a rail laid round the circumference of the pit.

This type of table is worked on the balancing principle by bringing the locomotive into such a position that the majority of the weight is taken by the centre pivot, and a small force applied to the ends is sufficient to turn the table. In order to balance these tables effectually, the length of the table must be several feet longer than the wheel base of the locomotive.

The end carrying wheels are given a slight clearance when mounted, and in use carry such parts of the weight as may not be taken up by the centre pivot.

The balanced type of table is therefore supported at either one point when perfectly balanced, or at two points when the load is not correctly balanced.

The centre pivot consists of the cap or yoke which is a steel casting supporting the main girders by large suspension bolts. The cap rests on a pivot bearing, frequently made of Ubas case hardening steel supporting a bronze, gun-metal, or steel cup. If an anti-friction thrust bearing is incorporated, this is enclosed in a steel housing resting on, and positioned on the stump or centre pivot. The Latter is usually made of cast iron, and this casting takes the full load of the turntable and locomotive when in use; this in turn rests on the solid foundation usually made of concrete to which it is secured by rag bolts or other suitable fixing.

With the balanced type of table having a clearance on the runner wheels, blocking pads are provided to take the weight of the locomotive when running on to the table. In some cases the hand lever for operating these blocking pads also operates the locking bolts for holding the table in position opposite the various roads radiating from the pit. In its horizontal position this lever is often used for turning the table by manual operation.

The operating of the blocking pads and locking bolts by means of levers is being superseded in some designs by hand wheels at each end of a shaft running the whole length of the turntable girder, so that by turning the hand wheel at either end the blocking pads and locking bolts are operated at both ends. In some ,turntables the locking bolts serve as blocking pads as well, by engaging in a cast iron locking rest held in the pit wall at each point where the tracks radiate.

There are two distinct types of balanced table, both of which are in common use; namely the deck or under girder type, and the through or over girder type.

In the deck type of table, the rails are laid upon the top of the main girders which makes for simplicity of construction, but owing to the height of the cantilevers at the centre they require a deep pit.

In the through type the rails are laid between the main girders, and are carried on cross members between them. Naturally a much shallower pit can be used because the rails are below the level of the top of the main girders, sufficient height only being allowed for the centre casting and suspension.

A 65-ft. through type balanced table at Oswestry on the GWR was given as an example. The overgirder or through type of table is standard practice on this railway for outdoor positions. There is a notice on the right hand side of the turntable clearly visible to the engineman which states, "All engines must stop before going on to the turntable.' , This instruction is important, particularly in balanced type turntables to prevent any undue shock caused by the locomotive running on to the table, due to the clearance on the end carrying wheels.

The through type, although possessing the advantages of a shallow pit, weighs considerably more itself due to the heavier construction and greater width, and costs considerably more than the deck type to construct.

Both types have their advantages, and as long as balanced type tables are built, both designs will continue to find favour, depending largely on local conditions encountered.

The articulated turntable in its present form is claimed as the invention of Herr Klensch, who was Chief Inspector of Locomotives on a German railway.

Messrs. Julius Vogele of Mannheim, bought this patent, and later granted licences for the manufacture of these tables to firms in Germany and elsewhere.

The articulated turntable as its name implies is divided into two beams, and support for the load is then distributed over the centre pivot, and the end runner wheels, which are always in contact with the rail. The runner wheels therefore take at least half of the load on the turntable, and it can be driven direct at either end.

As the runner wheels are constantly in contact with the rail, the ends of the table are not violently depressed when the locomotive runs on to it, and this greatly modulates the shocks which occur with the balanced type with clearance between the runner wheels and rails, in the balanced position. One of the principal advantages of dividing the main girders of these turntables is that a big reduction in height can be effected, and a very much shallower pit can be employed.

In America where many turntables are of the articulated pattern, lattice girders are often used, while in other parts of the world plate girders riveted similar to the girders used for the balanced type of table are generally employed; rolled girders are also used.

Each half of the turntable presents statically governed loading conditions, and it will be appreciated that the maximum values calculated for each of the three supports cannot be exceeded. When the load is evenly distributed over the turntable, the thrust bearing of the centre support carries half the total load; the other half being carried by the four or eight runner wheels.

Naturally the success of the articulated turntable depends on the centre joint being effective and sufficiently robust to prevent slackness occurring when driven from one end only. If slackness does develop, the track wheels do not remain in their correct position on the rails, and additional resistance to turning is caused.

One of the principal objections to the articulated type of turntables when these were first introduced was that the centre joint was complicated and expensive, and if the table was driven from one end only slackness developed in the joint. When this happened the track wheels did not remain in their correct position on the rails, skewing took place, and additional resistance to turning was caused. Owing to the advantages obtained by using articulated types of main girders, the ease with which locomotives can be driven on or off such tables without blocking up the ends, and their smooth operation, it is not surprising that a very great many designs of centre joint have been devised, and patented. Some of these take the form of flexible hinge plates, and in others laminated spring joints are used.

The Mundt table, so named after its inventor, an engineer of the Dutch State Railways, has developed from the type with girders articulated art the centre. This arrangement permitted the use of shallow girders, but the use of the complicated and expensive centre joint was a definite disadvantage.. In the Mundt turntable, therefore, this centre joint is dispensed with and the main girders of the table are continuous. These girders are not of uniform section throughout, but are reinforced from each end to a certain distance short of the centre pivot. This allows of sufficient flexibility to prevent the rising of the unloaded end of the table when either a short locomotive at one end, or for any reason the table is not correctly balanced. It will therefore be realised the advantage of the Mundt type of table is, even though continuous girders are used, there is no possibility of the unladen end of the table rising .

It can therefore be driven from either end, in the same way as an articulated turntable.

No balancing of the locomotive is necessary, and it can be turned immediately the last wheels of the engine or tender run on to it a no blocking up of the table is required.

From the constructional point of view there are the advantages of the shallow pit, and as the weight of engine and table are spread over both the centre and the track rail, the cost of maintenance should be less than with the balanced type where the centre foundation must be designed to carry the whole weight of the locomotive.

Besides the Mundt type table there are a large number of continuous girder tables in which the main girders are not reinforced from the ends, but being very long, flexibility is obtained by bending throughout their length. Such tables find favour particularly in the U.S.A., and are usually driven by an electric motor at both ends, which enables the necessary adhesion for driving to be obtained.

Testing of locomotive turntables is usually carried out at the manufacturers own works, a temporary track being erected to enable this to be done. The table is completed in sections in a similar manner to that in use in steel bridge construction, and these sections are assembled with bolts in place of rivets to facilitate being taken apart for despatch to the railway company concerned. The test load is usually made up iron castings of known weight which are built up to the total weight required. The test load is stipulated on the contract, and is usually 25% above the weight of the heaviest loco. which the table is designed to carry. During the acceptance, tests are carried out at the contractors works in the presence of the railway company's or consulting engineers, representatives.

Loads are then arranged so as to approximate the wheel loading of the heaviest class of engine which will use the table.

Deflection tests of the main girders are then made at the ends and between the ends and the centre. After the test load is removed, observations are made for any permanent set which may have taken place. The locking gear is carefully tested. When the turntable has been re-erected on its permanent site, it is then tested again by running the heaviest locomotive which will use the table on to it, and any final adjustments are made.

Modern turntables are usually turned by one or more of the following methods ;-

By manual operation.

By electric motor.

By vacuum or compressed air motor .


In some early forms of turntables before the use of anti-friction pivot bearings and carrying wheels became general, movement was made by a winch acting upon gearing fixed either to the end carrier or direct to a toothed ring forming part of the wheel path. Sometimes the winch was driven by a small steam engine to assist turning, and hydraulic operation was also used. 1. Manually Operated.

The majority of tables are still manually operated in this country, but in the large turn- tables now In use in Europe, America, and other parts of the world, the engine crew are helped by the provision of mechanical aid. In England, also, many of the latest turntables are driven by a vacuum turning engine., patented by Messrs. Cowans, Sheldon, which can be modified to suit any type of turntable. Electric motors have also been fitted to turntables in this country for many years, the GWR having several such tables in use at the present time. The LMS also have a few in use.

Electric motors are almost universal in America where the loads involved make such assistance essential. Mechanical power is always. recommended for any turntable where the traffic working necessitates a table being in continuous use for any period due to the time saved in turning. At many places abroad a man is employed to work the table on a shift basis, and is provided with a cabin to control the motor. The cabin rotates with the table, and in such cases the engine crew do not need to leave the footplate, thereby saving both time and inconvenience.

2. Electrically Operated.

By far the largest number of power assisted turntables in use in the world to-day are electrically operated. On 58 railways in the USA in 1935 there were over 900 electrically driven tables compared with less than 30 in use in this country in the same year. As already seen, however, electric motors are used for this purpose in all parts of the world, and apart from the difficulty in the provision of power wires, they give little trouble in operation. The motor is usually of the totally enclosed ,traction type suspended below the floor of the table, or if a separate tractor is used, the motor is secured to the floor of the tractor. A tramway type controller with magnetic blowout, electric brake, current reverser, and resistances, must be provided. A great many electrically driven turntables are provided with a control cab which houses the necessary control gear. The controller usually has one handle for forward running and braking and another for reversing. A foot brake is provided and can work on a pulley keyed to the main or intermediate driving shaft. Braking may be said to be one of the objections to electrical operation, compared with the use of a vacuum or air tractor described later.

Current collection can be, of two kinds, either by overhead standards or by contacts in the pit. In overhead operation a rotating carrier is used, usually working on ball bearings, and secured to standards by positioning cables. The power wires being led in from above the carrier.

3. Vacuum or Compressed Air Motor.

In this drive, use is made of the vacuum or air brake system of the engine, and it may be applied to either equally well with but slight modification.

The use of the vacuum brake for turning locomotives has already received considerable publicity in the technical press.

This method of driving is patented and manufactured by Messrs. Cowans, Sheldon & Co. Ltd., and has already been installed on a large number of turntables in this country, and it can be fitted to existing as well as to new tables. The apparatus consists briefly of two double acting oscillating cylinders, each 4in. diameter by 6in. stroke, running at 350 rpm. and driving a crank shaft on which a pinion meshes with gearing which drives the runner wheels. Again, the weight of the tractor is sufficient to give the necessary adhesion for propelling the table. All that is necessary when the locomotive is driven on to the table is for the vacuum brake pipe, either at the front or rear of the locomotive, to be connected to the flexible coupling of the tractor .

The ejector on the engine is then opened and one of the engine men works the control PETROL CAB lever which allows the alternate admission of air or vacuum to the cylinders through a central valve chest.

The arrangement is such that either the top or bottom chamber in the valve chest can be opened alternately to air at atmospheric pressure or vacuum according to the direction of rotation.

The clutch lever enables either the motor or the hand drive to be used.

Two speeds are employed, and reverse, and it may be said that as only one lever is used for operating purposes, the whole apparatus.

Honouree Life Membership bestowed.

It is with very great pleasure that the MDSME committee announce that Jack Rowlands has accepted MDSME Honary Life Membership, This award was bestowed on Jack in recognition of all that Jack has done for MDSME over a really long period of years, furthering the Society objectives. As many of you are aware Jack has played an active role on committee, having held various posts including Hon Secretary, Honary Vice President and Honary President until his retirement from MDSME committee this year. Jack has asked us to convey his sincere thanks for this award, and now that he is felling better he looks forward to seeing MDSME members at Malden this coming season.

The new season starts...

Well Easter dully arrived and the running season started, the locomotives and passengers all arrived, and the signals failed big time on Easter Sunday on the Ground level track.

Well the powers to be deemed line of sight running on the trains, with one train on the circuit at a time, using 3 trains, that means two trains in the station and one on the run. Luckily the passenger numbers were low, to light in numbers and we coped OK

Well a technical gremlin got into the works at Willowbank, which took all of Easter Sunday and most of Bank Holiday Monday morning to rectify.

Any rate Bank Holiday Monday track running dawned and Willowbank signalbox with its technical gremlin removed, was switched back into use, and we reverted to normal running.

Right now you have fixed that lot, can you sort the signals at Angel road, there are two that don't work and two that do, and oh one that's hit and miss, sometime OK sometimes not.. Turned out to be defective sockets {life expired} and broken switch on the signal post.

Breath a sigh of relief, wait for next track day next weekend!!! ???

Automatic junction playing up, blow the air out of the airline, has to be done each year, but always gets forgotten!

One member going mad, one four aspect coloured light signal missing a yellow light, simple, NO! eventually found wires in plug pulled out as somebody must have removed signal plug by pulling the wire instead of the plug, when the signal was put away, so rewire plug....

Oh whilst I think about it {and this is out of sequence now} the maintenance shed junction failed, somebody has trashed / crushed the signal / point operation switch box, which one of the team fixed.

What had been achieved over the winter with the signalling, not a lot I hear you say, wrong, the departure end signalling at Willowbank had been commissioned on the computer for the first time, but the Willowbank failure at Easter was signal post related, not computer related.

Angel Road signalbox had had a major rewire due to major track works, and and there is more work needed at both Willowbank and Angel Road signal boxes.

And I'm determined to spend some time with the steam engines this season as well, and yes I did manage to get Susie-M in steam and turning a wheel in amongst all the above..

Lastly I wish to thanks the 4 or was it 5 members who helped to get everything working again.

Mark Adlington

>New members

We welcome Mr SM Lovern of Berrlands and Mr NR Stanley of Epsom to the Society, both joined in March 2002.

Meeting of committee 11/4/02

• There are several trees that need the attention of the tree surgeon around the site. The committee has approved the finance to attend to this matter.

• We have a new member this month his name is Philip Carter and will join the ranks of the juniors.

• Sunday the 14 July is confirmed as families Day and we will be joined by another club Wimborne model club on that day.

• As you already know the club house floor is to be re-laid with vinyl sheet flooring the colour chosen is sequoia red this will be carried out immediately after the next bank holiday.

• This Is an urgent appeal from the raised track coordinator for more drivers and engines to appear and run on track days

Delay to newsletter

Apologies for the delay in distributing this newsletter to you, there has been family health problems at my end which delayed production. These problems are now behind us, and as a family we can gradually get back to normal following recuperation

Sue {my wife} has asked me to say a big thank you to all who sent cards flowers and best wishes.

Mark Adlington

Light fingered members

It has come to the notice of the Hon Librarian that Volume 1 Issue 1 of the Model Engineer Magasine from the 1890's has gone missing from the clubs library, it appears that the copy has been removed by somebody with access to the clubhouse.

If you have removed it, please return the ME asap.

It has also been noted that a small quantity of miscellaneous hand tools that belong to a couple of members have also been taken from the workshop whilst the owner went to the toilet.

Again if you have taken these items, return them it asap.

As you can appreciate this kind of light fingered removal of books / tooling is not appreciated and leaves a bad atmosphere around until the problems stops.

If it is discovered that items are deliberately being stolen from MDSME the committee will take what ever actions is necessary to stop this problem.

Stop Press

A new 7¼" gauge facing point has been installed at Angel Road. The new left hand turnout point was manufactured to replace the original 1986 built facing point. Whilst the new point was being manufacturer the opportunity was taken to increase the radius of the left hand turn out, this in turn increased the length of the point by some 5 feet in length. The point was installed over 2 weekends, and will be in use for the May public open days. Work is also progressing on the new Alps line, with more brick / block work being prepared and signalling & track circuit pipe work being installed.

Douglas 4-4-0 locomotive

Rod Jane's re assembly of this South African Locomotive has moved another step nearer to completion with the first steaming, there are a couple of minor problems to be sorted, more news in the next Newsletter....


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