The Roundhouse Journal April 2001

Well were well into the new year of 2001 as you read this, snowdrops and budding daffodils are growing just outside the window. In just the same way the environment at Malden club grounds are budding and the environment is coming back to life, be it slowly.

Well what has been happening? well good and not so good news as the saying goes.

I'm sorry to report the passing of Charlie Barnet early in January 2001, Charlie had been in the club for a long time, an engineer by training and a perfectionist. He will be greatly missed on Friday evenings. Several of our members attended Charlie's funeral, Our heartfelt condolences go to Rita and their two grownup children.

Further on in this newsletter you will find a appreciation of Charlie by Jerry Burchell who knew Charlie quite well, and he has written of their chats & working time together.

I also have to report on the passing of Ernie Widowson one of our original founding members at the age of 84 years during February 2001. Ernie has been involved with the club since its early days, and accomplished model engineer with a professional engineering background at KLG's. He built several 5" gauge steam locomotive, and Dave Wilkins has kindly penned an appreciation of Ernie's life. Our sincere condolences go to Ernie's three children.

Well the AGM happened on Friday 9th February 2001 as per the notification papers that all share holding members and associates received. Everything happened at the AGM as one would expect.

Further on in the newsletter I have arranged to print the Hon Social Secretaries report, the Chairman's Report, and the Hon Presidents address, so those members that were not able to make the meeting knows what was said.

As you will have noted from your AGM papers Mr Graham Putz had decided to stand down from the committee for personal reasons and not to seek re-election. All the Hon Officers in the club were re-elected en-block.

The Chairman then proposed that a new committee member post be created under the societies existing rules, this was agreed by the meeting.

Following the creation of the new post Committee members Dr. M.W. Baker & Mr J Burchell were duly re-elected to their respective committee posts. Mr J Hampshire and Mr W. Knox were then duly elected to the committee for the usual period of two years.

A full list of the management committee is inside the front cover of this newsletter.

The Trip.
On the Saturday 3rd March 2001, 64 Malden member went on the Merrymaker trip to York by rail from Kings Cross at 8.30am which was kindly organised by John Osbourne.

Train approaching Keithley Station on the clubs rail trip.
What a wonderful time we all had with a whole coach J to ourselves on the Train. A large contingent left the Train at Doncaster for a trip and exploration on the Keithly & Worth Valley Railway or Bronite museum before returning to York for the return trip.

The rest of the party proceeded onto York either to 'do' the National Railway Museum or to do the Sights of York. We all assembled at York for the 18.20 departure, arriving back at Kings Cross at 10pm. From what I hear everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves even if a little tired from a very long day.

On Site at Malden.
As you would expect from Malden not everything has stopped for the winter, groundwork's on the 7¼ track continue a pace both at the Tunnel site and in Willowbank Station. The Raised track gang are replacing several uprights pedestals Obviously all this except the tunnel are scheduled for completion before Easter 2001 when we re-open to our public again.
Mark Adlington,

The Model Engineer Exhibition at Sandown Park.
A Personal Perspective. - New Blood at the Helm
For many years now, Peter Larkin has been the steersman for our society's stand at the Model Engineer Exhibition. After some valuable assistance from him last year, I have now taken over this function. It's something I am very pleased to be able to do for the society and look forward to so continuing for a few years yet!

Peter, from me and I am sure from all members; many, many thanks for all your hard work over the years (hard work; Yes, don't I know it!!). You have certainly pushed me off in the right direction!

Society Booklet
It occurred to me that a booklet about the society and it's activities might be appreciated by visitors to the exhibition. I had seen a booklet printed many years ago and long since out of print that was available to society members and for sale to the public. To reprint this would have been too expensive – in any case there probably would not have been enough time to find a printer!

Initial thoughts were towards something quite modest but in the way of these things, like Topsy, it growed. And growed. And growed some more. It growed into a 24 page booklet with lots of pictures, covering member's current projects, activities around the society's grounds, reviews of some major projects, and history of the society amongst other things. It was quite a task I had set myself and seemed worthwhile.

Necessarily, limited numbers were produced – photocopying and binding takes a surprising amount of time! This meant that a copy would be given only to visitors that had shown some particular interest at the society's stand; perhaps showing interest in some exhibit, perhaps a potential new member, perhaps a member of another club wanting our details to arrange a club visit.

An Annual Booklet
The booklet, despite its limited presentation seemed to go down well and has led me to thoughts of an 'Annual' for our society. It could be an adjunct to 'Roundhouse', gathering together items about the society and its projects, its members and their projects, articles of interest to us as model engineers. Loads of scope!

So gentle reader, any thoughts? A good idea or a dead duck? Would you want a copy? Would you pay for it? If so how much?

And So To The Show
The administrative chores prior to the exhibition were as you might imagine, lengthy and sometimes tiresome. All though were absolutely necessary to get our stand off to a good start. To all of you in receipt of my cadging, many thanks.

I had wanted the stand to represent the wide range of members interests and your trust and generosity in lending your handiwork for exhibit did us proud! I have noted that our society has an image of being a ground-level miniature railway only. Far from the truth and I wanted to attempt to bust that myth. I think we went some way to achieving that; yes there is a strong (steam) railway interest and this was represented, but also to be seen were internal combustion engines of several kinds, a replica pistol, a gas turbine engine, and many others. All generated interest.

Much valuable assistance was given on the day of setting-up, You may recall that this was the last Thursday of year 2000 and it dawned snowy! All very seasonal though not altogether helpful! And crimes! Was it cold!

The tea urn boiling merrily and exhibits arriving aplenty, we soon had set to, carefully loading them up into cars and vans. The job could have been a nightmare but far from it, all went smoothly and surprisingly quickly, well ahead of time. 'Ah well', thought I, 'best brew up again.' So I did. And then off to not-so-sunny Sandown Park went the reccy party to find our patch in the exhibition hall and set up the stand. A short while later, the exhibits followed. (Thinks: That's clever – how did they know the way?).

Before long, the stands had been set up and the exhibits together with their labelling were all in place. The stand looked really fantastic and did everyone great credit. Well done Team!

Four Days
It was important to arrive a good half-hour or more before the exhibition opened each day. Apart from enabling the stewards to get into the car-park, it gives us a change to dust off the exhibits (Thinks: Must keep that brass gleaming!) and brew up (Thinks: What me? A tea-pot? Moi? Surely not!).

The first day, Friday, was to say the least mobbed out! We were busy all day with enquiries and conversations. The main hall was absolutely packed, I think canned sardines had more space that day!! Stories abounded of over-stuffed car parks and Esher itself in gridlock!

Saturday was quieter, though very busy. I would say nicely busy. I had several interesting conversations with members from other societies, and also with some of the general public. I also had the chance of a look round the exhibition and in my view, jolly good it was too!

Sunday (New Years Eve) was by contrast very quiet. Visitor numbers seemed very low in comparison with the previous days. It's curious that with not much to do, the day dragged a bit and seemed hard work.

Monday was very much like the Saturday; nicely busy and the day I made most of my purchases!

One of the most popular exhibits was Suzie M, Mark Adlington's Hunslet 0-4-0ST where young children were invited to sit in the drivers seat. They loved the experience; hopefully taking away a little treasure of a memory for life.

I heard that the exhibition organisers were well pleased with the public's response so possibly we might see MEX2001 at Sandown Park too? With a certain degree of self interest, my vote would go to that!

So, quote from my piece from last year on the Ally Pally exhibition:

Do I enjoy mucking in at the MEX? Yes.
Is it hard work? Oh yes.
Is it worth it? Oh very yes.
See you there next time, and don't forget to bring forth your produce!


My Good Pal, Charlie Barnett.
It was with shock and dismay that I learned of Charlie's recent death with a heart attack. We had become good buddies, and the friendship looked to be deepening as time went on. So, I wanted to pen a few words in his memory.

I have not known Charlie for as long as many of you, only the four years or so since I first joined MDSME. We seemed to get along quite well from the word go, certainly I always enjoyed his company on Friday evenings; his dry humour and story telling from his life's experiences.

After some time, I found out about his great regard for the LMS Pacific's and how he remembered them at work on the lines out of Liverpool, his childhood home. I was very excited to find out that he was building his own in 1/8th scale as I too have these locomotives high on my list of desirables!

One of Charlie's greatest qualities was that of generosity. And generous he was towards me, lending me drawings, booklets, and so on for me to photocopy. We had many an intelligent conversation about 6202, the 'Turbomotive' and how one might approach its construction in 1/8th scale.

I suppose in some way we acted as a foil to each other; For my part, having heard that his project had stalled tried gently to encourage progress. I think he had been watching my progress with silver-solder fabrications, for after a while he suggested a session one afternoon whereby we both assembled one of his simpler frame stays. It went well, and Charlie was pleased and encouraged by the progress. A couple of weeks later another was completed, then another, each more complicated than the last. The last fabrication we worked on was the front bogie bolster, this was on show at MEX2000, Sandown Park and attracted some interest. His work in shaping the parts was simply first class. Some day, I hope to achieve his standard.

One time, he showed me some drawings that he had prepared for various parts of The Duchess. I was trained as draughtsman, albeit in structural and architectural work, and I tell you his work was suberb, of the highest standard, I would say in the top 5% of the profession.

I had been hoping to assist him in some small way to complete his locomotive so that he would have the pleasure of running it. Sadly that was not to be so and the locomotive will now be completed post humously in his honour.

I shall, and do, miss him. He's a good buddy. It's funny, one of the things I miss is him walking around that workshop door, probably with the greeting 'You're on that thing again? You're working too hard you are!' followed by a great big grin. 'Oh yes', would be my reply, 'This is proper work this is, not what I do to earn me dosh!'.

To Charlie, I say; Thank you old mate. Go well.

TTFN - Jerry Burchell

MDSME AGM held 9 Feb 2001 Chairman's Report: Derek C. Smith
Well, We're here. We are now well and truly into the next Millennium, the 21st century, and I think it's an exciting time to be in model engineering, and particularly to be a member of Malden and District Society of Model Engineers.

Most of our public contact is by way of the many people who visit the site on the first Sunday of each month during the summer season from Easter to October. Most of those people actually think of us as a train club, and we are known as Thames Ditton Miniature Trains with variations on the same theme.

But for those who attended our stand at the recent Model Engineers Exhibition at Sandown it became very clear that the club possessed a vast range and diversity of Model Engineering interests. I am of the opinion that this feature is one of the great attractions that makes this society so successful. Members meet here on Friday nights, Sundays, Tuesdays, Wednesday evenings and in fact the club is quite unique in that it is open to anyone at any time, really.

The Clubhouse is the nerve centre of the operation and over the past year the central heating system has been completed and we sit here in comparative warmth. Many of the domestic hot and cold water pipes have been replaced. We now have hot water in the workshop, controlled, of course, so you don't scald yourself.

Speaking of the workshop: here I think is perhaps one of the best-equipped club workshops in the country and it's available to everyone. The workshop extension, which is intended for boiler and similar type fabrication, is progressing slowly albeit to a high standard. In the coming summer months it is anticipated that the extension will be made completely secure and water tight, with work continuing to complete the inside details.

This year, like last year, we have had a very good running season for both the raised track and ground level circuits with only a few minor safety problems. Where these have been recognised a safety regime has been introduced to overcome the problem. One of the factors which has helped us to be pro-active in the safety field is the appointment each running day of a track Marshall or the preferred term of Safety Officer.

In this appointment we have been ahead of the game in as much as it was one of the main recommendations of the Code of Good operating practice which was published during the year by the Health & Safety Executive.

On the ground level track the work to the departure end of the station was completed at the end of last year's running season, and the completion of the arrival end is scheduled to be completed by Easter this year.

I must say I think this part of the track, perhaps the part that our visitors see most, is now looking very attractive, particularly due to the extensive gardening work, which has been undertaken on the river edge side.

The Alps Project, which will provide both a tunnel and a new running track from Hampton Court Junction to Angel Road signal box, is progressing very quickly. Most of the earthworks have been completed, being retained by heavy concrete block walls. In the coming weeks I anticipate that work on the roof of the tunnel will begin.

If you walk around the site, and I know a number of you do, you will have noticed the final disappearance of the ice cream parlour. You will remember that this building was severely damaged by fire. It was originally intended to rebuild the parlour but as work progressed to discover the full extent of the damage, it was decided that the toll of the fire and the deterioration of the remaining timber structure were sufficient to make the project non-viable. You will note from agenda item number 10 that there is a proposal to be considered for the ice cream parlour replacement.

I am pleased to inform you all that the 7¼ locomotive 'River Rythe' – that's a club locomotive - has now been reboilered, rebuilt and repainted in its smart blue livery and will be running next season, and I would just like to say thanks to all the people who have been involved in that project – not a small project - of actually getting that locomotive back on the run.

The raised track has seen some extensive repairs to ensure its safe upkeep. A number of beams and pedestals have been cast by a professional concrete moulding company and have been used to replace the worst condition parts of the circuit, which have suffered extensive cracking and spalling due to the rusting action of the reinforced wire.

In all, a lot of work has been completed by a great number of people.

It would be remiss of me not to thank the ladies who have toiled away in the kitchen and the shop and the ticket office on track days.

I am pleased to inform you, also, that the Society is continuing to attract many new members of all ages. These new members bring with them many new skills and a shared enthusiasm for Model Engineering.

I am pleased to report that Malden and District Society of Model Engineers is progressing as a club with the ability to cater for the many and diverse interests of its members.

It is with sadness that I have to report the recent death of Charlie Barnett, who joined the society in 1969. I understand that his funeral will be on the 16th February. I hope that the society will be well represented on that day to make sure we give him a good send-off. And, of course, our condolences go to his family.

The committee recognises that the society has a number of shortcomings – we're not perfect, by any means - and perhaps the most apparent of these is our ability to communicate with each other and particularly with the Membership. And, I think, you know, if we want something to do this year, that we could do better perhaps, we should all strive to improve the communication aspect of the society.

You will have noticed that Graham Putz has declined to seek re-election to the committee for the next year. Graham has been a leading figure in a number of projects connected with the workshop and its various projects. The committee would therefore wish to place on record our thanks for the work that Graham has done for the society in his capacity as a committee member.

We must now look forward. The AGM provides the occasion when apart from considering the achievements from the past we can decide the society's direction for the future. As members we all have a vote on the various agenda items. All I would ask is that you use that vote wisely to ensure the continued success of Malden and District Society of Model Engineers.

Hon Secretary's Report: William M. Goffe
Good evening Ladies & Gentlemen.

Before I begin I'd like to apologise for the missing page. As what was on it had appeared in Roundhouse before, I did not feel the cost of sending it to everyone separately was justified, and hope that anyone wanting a copy now has one.

In previous years I've spoken about the Raised Track because of a strong personal enthusiasm and involvement with it. Since the completion of the passenger car modifications my own involvement has been reduced, and Steve Gray has taken over co-ordinating the thinking behind the doing. I am delighted. Under his auspices, for the first time, the Society has had some beams cast professionally. They arrived rather too close to Easter for many to be installed, but over about three weeks a very long section of track by the 5" shed was removed. The beams were replaced where necessary, and a new concrete superelevation was cast in place of the old wooden sleepers. In the autumn the track was again removed and the section treated with waterproofer.

This week Steve expects a delivery of new pedestals – cast by the same firm – and the first few will be allocated to a section of the high track by Angel Road. I think this section has been chosen because, if it doesn't rain again, we might just be able to do the work without a diving bell. This is in marked contrast to the swamp below the bridge, where the Society's Environmental Policy may soon need to allow for crocodiles.

In the longer term Steve plans to complete the siding between the station and 5" shed. This will allow whole trains to be taken out of service for short periods (as I find is sometimes desirable) and it will also facilitate the disposal of passenger stock. Guildford Model Engineering Society have very kindly given us their traverser to assist the project, and I wish to say how grateful we are.

In the workshop the Myford lathe has been brought into service with completely new electric's. The floor has been re-painted using 5 litres of the original paint. We have powered up the big Milwaukee mill, investigated the source of the flames, and intend to have it in service very soon. The workshop extension is also progressing. It now has a roof, and we hope to install the door and window shutters later in the year.

There's a kind of buzz about the workshop at the moment with considerable interest being shown in the Milwaukee. And an increasing number of members are now using the workshop – something I'm very pleased to see. I'd like to thank all those members who have contributed equipment, or tooling, or manuals, or their professional skills, or cups of tea, or even undiluted vitriol to make the workshop a better place.

In the autumn, each of you will have received with your newsletter, an information sheet issued by the Health and Safety Executive and entitled "Safe operation of miniature railways, traction engines and road vehicles". You may gauge the significance of this document from the lengths to which the HSE have gone to see you have a copy.

In the first place, the HSE printed enough copies for every member of every society in the country to have their own. They then distributed them in bulk to the various federations - in our case by the Southern Federation of Model Engineering Societies of which MDSME is a member. We in turn have forwarded them to you.

This guidance affects each of us, and, put at its simplest, requires every one of us to think about what we do and how we will do it, so that when we do it, we do it in a way that minimises risks to others.

Supposing there were to be a serious accident here: the Society will need to show that it has a safe set of operating procedures, and that they are followed.

The Society has quite an extensive set of Bylaws contained in the Operating Manual. This manual is usually available in the clubhouse for members to look at, and contains sections describing the duties of Guards, Drivers, Locomotive owners, Station Masters, Signalmen, the Duty Officer – and even the Secretary. Each section is quite short – usually less than a page. These bylaws are intended to be helpful and contain the wisdom of past experience to ensure the railway runs safely.

One way we thought of getting the Bylaws off the page into practice was to have some laminated signs made listing, for example, the "Crossing Keeper's Duties" and displaying them near where those duties would be carried out. So, appropriate bylaws are now displayed on the Raised Track Station door, in the Roundhouse area and elsewhere on the GL track. Please look out for them, get to know what they say, and follow them as far as is possible. Our goal is to have no incidents and no accidents.

There used to be a saying "A miss is as good as a mile". Well, in the context of safety that just won't do any more. If there is any kind of incident on a public running day, either an accident or a near-accident, it must be reported to the Duty Officer as soon as possible so it can be included in his report to the committee.

Safety is an agenda item at every committee meeting, as is the Report of the Duty Officer following each track day. But talking at committee doesn't make the railway safe. Only you can do that.

Hon. Social Secretary's Report: - John R. Mottram

Good evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to start by thanking our President, Jack, and Mick Withey for being Santa at our Santa Special. It must be remembered we carried between4-500 children and over 1000 parents in very wet weather. It was a great success, but we need mods, for example, on the presents, to get them through Santa a little bit quicker than this time. I must also thank Stella for offering to us to run it. Also I must not forget Peter Larkin and his new help, Jerry, for our excellent stand at the Model Engineer Exhibition, because, without their bullying, there wouldn't be anything there.

Throughout the running season on the Bank Holiday Sunday we've had a barbecue, and this is a great success with Stella's afters. And finally there is another gastronomic delight not to be missed. Last year, Bonfire Night was brought back with fish and chips and bangs. This was also a success. We had a visit from the Colchester Society who enjoyed themselves with our usual hospitality.

I would like to end by thanking John Osborne for arranging the trip to York, and David and Peter for keeping the clubhouse clean free of charge, and finally to Derek who is officially a Granddad after Heather gave birth to a baby boy.

Hon. President's Address: - Jack Rowland
First of all I must explain why I'm sitting this side of the table. It's not I want to distance myself from the committee, or am feeling particularly democratic, it's because I've got a bit of a tummy upset and I wanted a clear run down the end in the event of a problem….

Well, I'm glad to be here – having looked at last year's, I was amazed that I spoke it seems to be a couple of hours or something – and I'm going to be very brief tonight.

Firstly I want to - on your behalf - to thank the committee, because as you know, I sit in at most of the committee meetings and I don't really contribute a lot, but I am able to observe all their goings on and the work that they put in on this. So, I want to thank them on your behalf for a very good year's effort. And I also want to thank all of you, who work so hard on behalf of the Society whether it is in the weekly working parties, or down here on public open days or at such things as the Model Engineering Exhibition which I thought was splendid – our stall – this year. And I especially want to thank all those who helped at Santa Special. At first, if you remember, it seemed as if we weren't going to have one last year, but wiser councils prevailed and we went ahead. Now, Mick Withey and I had a relatively comfortable job inside, next to a fan heater, whilst the rest of you coped with the really horrendous weather.

Now finally on a more sad note I want to mention dear old Charlie Barnett who was a particular friend of mine and, of course, I really miss him. I especially miss him on Friday evenings because he'd always got something to add to the discussion, whatever it was about. He had a wide range of experience in the various industries in which he worked and we really will miss him. As I think most of you know, his funeral is a week today, next Friday, at the NE Surrey crematorium and I'm just going to read you a letter which I had from Charlie's daughter: "Dear Jack,

I would like to confirm details of my father's funeral arrangements and extend an invitation to any members who would like to attend. The service will take place at NE Surrey Crematorium on Friday 16th February at 1.30pm. It was father's wish that no money is wasted on flowers. Donations would be welcome, and the family would like to put the money towards buying a bench that could be placed somewhere in the grounds of the club, if your members are agreeable. Please let me know if this is the case."

Now, because this sort of thing can only be agreed at an AGM I'd like to put that to you. And the second thing is: "I would be grateful if you can give me an idea of the numbers that may attend the service, and please pass on my family's thanks for all your good wishes."

So, those are the two points, Mr Chairman….

Members agreed the Society would like to accommodate a bench in memory of Charlie, and approved a £50 donation to the family from Society funds towards this, in addition to the collection made at the meeting.

What a 'Turn Out' Steve Gray

Or as we on the raised track call it, a traverser. I should mention that Malden DSME is now the proud owner of a new (well new to us) traverser courtesy of our friends at Guildford SME. OK, I hear you say, what do we want with a traverser?

It goes something like this, "I'm sure these carriages are heavier than last year and at this rate, in a few years time I wont even be able to get them out of the hut." So, why not extend a branch line into the 5" shed, pop in a traverser (turn out) and hey presto all we have to do is roll them into the shed and head for home. There is an additional safety benefit in that brakes could be fitted to the passenger wagons which would provide much better stopping power than at present.

Work is underway as far as the traverser is concerned and thanks must go Jerry Burchell for providing the drawings and to John Baskett & co for negotiating with our friends at Guildford. Well done boys, any chance of some free elbow grease as well!

Clearly, we are still at the planning stage and I would welcome any design comments you may have as it is 'our' track after all.

Tunnel Engineering company!

Work has finally started on putting the tunnel roof on the walls that were built over the last year. You will be please to know that the team have not cheated and are building the roof in the proper curved shape that is normally associated with a tunnel. As I write this the first section has been cast in concrete complete with steel reinforcing, and the mould has been disassembled and moved to the next position. Paul Henley and Derek Smith who are leading the construction team along with Phil and Len & Stan tell me it will take most of the summer season to cast all the sections. I also know that other member have also lent a hand in supplying manpower and thanks also go to these people each know who they are. A special mention and thanks must be made to Jerry Burchell who was kind enough to use his professional skill in 'proving' the roof design technically and doing all the difficult technical calculations and presenting the information in a manner in which the committee and the team could understand and ultimately approve as being 'fit for purpose'. The 'whole' design was supported by a technical presentation which was presented to the full committee

and was subsequently approved at the beginning of March. Eventually the tunnel roof will be carrying the weight of trains travelling over the roof section as the train track on the tunnel roof crosses from one side of the tunnel to the other side of the tunnel. Ultimately this will increase the length of our 7¼" ground level track considerably.

Ernie Widdowson

Ernie, as we all knew him, was a founder member of the Society in 1936, and he and his wife were very active members in the early days.

He served on the committee for a while and was Vice President for a number of years.

He continued to be an active member of the Society until he became unwell a few years ago,

He did not lose interest in the Society however and came to meetings on Fridays whenever he could. He was always available with advice and any help he could give from his own workshop, until his death. He served as a member of the committee, and as Vice President for a number of years.

He worked for KLG as a toolmaker and after his wife died he became a Guard on British Rail, with a good fund of stories from that time.

He also received an award from The Southern Federation of Model Engineers for services to Model Engineering.

I first met Ernie in the late sixties when I joined the Society, but didn't get to know him until he started to build his "Shay" locomotive when he would bring pieces down to the Friday evening meetings to show us.

He was always ready and willing to share his expertise with us all even beginners like me, and he taught many of us to do things correctly.

Ernie was always willing to make Valves for club Locomotives and for the rolling stock. Only last October he machined four axle boxes for the coaches.

Ernie built six locomotives himself. Bonaventure, a 31/2 inch Freelance Pacific. Jenny Deane, a Compound Tender engine. A three truck Shay model of the largest Shay built, and to his sorrow he lost the drawings from the back of his motor bike on the way home from the club, luckily he had finished building it.

Then he built a small 5inch gauge Tank Engine which was too small for him, so he rebuilt it as a 2-4-4-2 Mallett tank using the original tank engine chassis with a pony truck and another chassis and new boiler.

The boiler from the tank engine was used to build another engine designed by himself called Experiment.

His final engine which was not completed was his interpretation of Southern Leader class engine.

As well as all these he built water pumps in various sizes for other people, his Congreve Clock, and a small 4 cylinder petrol engine. If he had nothing else to do he would make injectors.

In the last 14 years I visited Ernie almost every week and enjoyed his company and chat over many cups of tea and I really learned what a fund of knowledge he had over a wide range of interests.

Other members visited him with their engineering problems which he always solved to their mutual satisfaction, and the inevitable cup of tea.

He was a skilled engineer, a very independent and gentle man and a good friend and he will be greatly missed by everyone of us.

Dave Wilkins

The Model Engineering Exhibition which was held at Sandown Park was a very busy event and well attended by both visitors and Malden Members alike. I am please to report that the club stand was well represented by models provided by our members. Jerry Burchell did us all proud by organising, cajoling and cajoling the membership into providing models.

The following is a list a models that members supplied, to one and all, many thanks.


Description of Exhibit


Bill Jardin

32lb Navel Cannon c1780


Bill Knox

Rolling chassis for Lima Mogul

Model in Progress

Charlie Barnett

7.25"G LMS Duchess rear truck frame & Front Bogie Assembly

Items complete

Dick Vince

9 cylinder Radial Engine


Dick Vince

7.25"G 0-4-2T loco 'Bridget'

Chassis Complete

Frank Smith

7.25"G GWR Tool van


Geoff Gillett

Colt Revolver and case


Geoff Gillett

3.5"G 'Heilan Lassie' chassis 4-6-2 LNER

Item complete

Geoff Gillett

Stuart Turner 'Real' Stationary engine


Geoff Gillett

Atom Minor IC engine


Geoff Gillett

'Whippet' IC Engine

Not Complete

Graham Putz

Stuart Turner no.7 stationary engine


Jerry Burchell

7.25"G LMS {Ivatt} 2-6-2T

In Progress

Jerry Burchell

1.5":ft scale Aveling DX Road Roller

In Progress

John Baskett

5"G Adams 4-4-2 Radial Tank No. 517


John Baskett

5"G Rolling Road test bed


John Bellchamber

5"G GWR Manor 4-6-0 Locomotive & track


John Mottram

7.25"G LMSBlack 5 'Highlander' and tender

Tender chassis completeLocomotive in progress


Len Braodley

5"G 0-6-0PT based on LBSC's 'Pansy' design

In Progress

Mark Adlington

Rear Bogie of 0-6-4 HunsletBedgellert



Mark Adlington

Hunslet 0-4-0ST 'Susie M'


Elizabeth Adlington

Articulated wooden lorry


Elizabeth Adlington

Uknown origin 3.25"G 0-6-0


Peter Larkin

5"G 'Royal Scott' Smokebox door and chimney assembly

Items Complete

Phil Finch

Stuart Turner No.9 Stationary engine



2"scale Fowler 'Superba' driving gears for ploughing engine

Items Complete

Bob Walker

Low temperature Stirling engine



Safety Valves for 7.25"G locomotives.

Items Complete

Sorry I've lost owners name, apologies.

3.75" front Bogie for Merchant Navy Southern Railway locomotive


Items Complete


Events Diary 2001

Sunday 8th April Tune up Sunday, BOILER TESTING.

Friday 13th April Good Friday, final clear up. BOILER TESTING


Sunday 15th April Easter Sunday, Public open day. (members BBQ 6.30pm)

Monday 16th April Easter Bank Holiday - Public open day

Friday 4th May Harrogate Model Engineering exhibition

Saturday 5th May Harrogate Model Engineering exhibition

Sunday 6th May Harrogate Model Engineering exhibition

Sunday 6th May May bank holiday, Public open day. (members BBQ 6.30pm)

Monday 7th May Public Open day.

Sunday 27th May Public open day. (members BBQ 6.30pm)

Monday 28th May Spring bank holiday, Public open day.

Sunday 3rd June Public open day.

Sunday 24th June Mencap / charity day, guests by invitation

Sunday 1st July Public open day.

Saturday 14th July 34th Guildford Steam Rally

Sunday 15th July 34th Guildford Steam Rally

Sunday 5h August Public open day.

Sunday 26th August Public open day. (members BBQ 6.30pm)

Monday 27t h August Bank holiday, Public open day.

Sunday 2nd September Public open day.

Sunday 7th October Public open day.

Sunday 14th October 7¼" Gauge Open day.

Saturday 3rd November Bonfire Night + Fish & Chip + Films, TICKETED EVENT.

Friday 30th November Rummage Sale.

Sunday 9th December Santa run. - Confirmed.

Wednesday 26th December Boxing Day steam up.

Any other dates / information will be sent direct to members

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