Hampton Court Junction Signals

Hampton Court Junction 4 Aspect Outer Home Signals Outer Home Signal gantry
This is the fist signal gantry in the Hampton Court Junction Signaling system and contains two 4 aspect coloured light signals. Each signal is fitted with two junction indicators containing white route lights, therefore each signals is capable of showing 3 separate routes, If the main route was selected only the coloured light aspects would clear without the white route lights. If a diverging route is set the main aspect would clear with the respective junction indicators lights illuminated

The left hand signal is the Up Local line outer home signal. The right hand signal is the Up Main line outer home signal. At this point two track become three tracks towards the next signals shown below.
Hampton Court Junction 4 Aspect Home Signals Home Signal gantry
These signals are located at the most complicated part of the railway. There are three 4 aspect coloured light signals on this gantry and all are fitted with 5 light white route indicators. The left two signals have three sets of white junction indicator lamps, whilst the right hand signal has only one set of white junction indicator lamps

The Up Local Loop home signal is on the far left, trains can be routed in 4 directions at this signal. The middle signal is the Up Local home signal, again trains can be routed in 4 directions. Lastly on the far right is the Up Main home signal, trains can only be routed in two direction.
Hampton Court Junction 4 Aspect Tunnel Junction Signals Up Main Line - Tunnel signal gantry
This signal gantry protects the Up Main Loop exit points, and access to the tunnel.

The Up Main Signal is the left hand signal.
The Up Main Loop line signal is on the right.
both signals are showing a red aspect.

The Up Main becomes the Up Local line in the middle of the tunnel at the lowest point..

The next signal is Angel Road Up Local Outer Home signal No.10 which is located inside the tunnel.

Hampton Court Junction 4 Aspect ALPS Junction Signal Up Local Line signal - Alps line
This is located towards the top of the Alps incline where the Up Local and Up Local Loop line tracks coverage.

This signal is the Up Local Alps Junction signal showing a clear aspect..

The Up Local line becomes the Up Main line at the summit.

The next signal is Angel Road Up Main Outer home signal No10.

Hampton Court Junction shunt signals

Hampton Court Junction Locomotive Shed Shunts Locomotive shed shunt signals

These are the two exit shunt signals from the locomotive sheds area.

The left hand signal enables access to to the Up Local and Up Local loop lines, this is at danger

The right hand shunt signal allows access to the Up Local, Up Main and Up Loop lines, this has been cleared to allow an engine to proceed.
Hampton Court Junction Main Line Shunt signals Main Line Shunts

Looking back towards the carriage shed at Hampton Court Junctions with Hampton Court Junction signal box on top of the sheds.

The left hand shunt signal is cleared for the carriage shed road via the Up Main Loop line.

The Up Main line shunt is at danger.
Hampton Court Junction Tunnel Junction Shunt signal showing a danger aspect Tunnel junction shunt

Looking from inside the tunnel mouth the position light shunt signal can be see showing a danger do not proceed aspect.

This signal protects the Up Main Loop exit points

Hampton Court Junction Local Line Shunt signals Local Line shunts

Looking back towards the carriage sheds which are in the far background with H\Hampton Court Junction signal box on top of the sheds.

These shunt signals allow access to the Locomotive Roundhouse on the right hand side and the Up Local Line and Up Local Loop line.
Hampton Court Junction Alps Line position light shunt signal showing a proceed aspect Alps Line Shunt signal

At the top of the ALPS incline is a position light shunt signal this time showing a clear or proceed aspect.
position light shunt signals on gantry immediatly outside HCJ signal box Main Line, Local Line & North Pole position light shunt signals.

These three position light shunt signals are located immediately adjacent to the carriage sheds near Hampton Court Signal box. They control shunting across the junction immediately past these signals towards Willow bank level crossing.