Clubhouse Facilities


Club House

We are proud of our club room and the railway related memorabilia it contains; there is a large meeting room with a fitted kitchen attached.

The main club room is is where members meet for club activities and meetings, we also use this space as the tea room on our Open days where visitors can get refreshments and relax between train rides..

Club Nights

The Friday evening meetings have been abandoned with effect from the committee meeting on 12th April, 2018. This is the result of the dwindling support. In the recent past, there have been only two or three members present.

In future, members wishing to take part in general discussions and 'tea and biscuits' can join in with the Wednesday Group evening session. This has normally finished by about 9:00pm because most of those present have been there for much of the afternoon/early evening - if not the morning as well.

Those wishing to stay and continue the Friday habit of staying to 10:00pm are free to do so, as long as there is a keyholder present."

Occasional talks, films and presentations are notified in advance via the clubs newsletter called The Roundhouse Journal and by notices in the Clubhouse. 


More details about membership are contained in the Membership Enquiry web page

Workshop and workshop classes

Further information is located in the Workshop web page.